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第 1 页:第25天 选择与可能性
第 2 页:第25天 选择与可能性-1991年真题作文解析
第 3 页:第25天 选择与可能性-名师推荐的好文章
第 4 页:第25天 选择与可能性-闪光文句
第 5 页:第26天 论点与评述
第 6 页:第26天 论点与评述-名师推荐的好文章
第 7 页:第26天 论点与评述-闪光文句
第 8 页:第27天 方法与措施
第 9 页:第27天 方法与措施-名师推荐的好文章
第 10 页:第27天 方法与措施-闪光文句
第 11 页:第28天原因与起因
第 12 页:第28天原因与起因-名师推荐的好文章
第 13 页:第28天原因与起因-闪光文句
第 14 页:第29天 利弊与危害
第 15 页:第29天 利弊与危害-名师推荐的好文章
第 16 页:第29天 利弊与危害-闪光文句
第 17 页:第30天 需要与行动
第 18 页:第30天 需要与行动-名师推荐的好文章
第 19 页:第30天 需要与行动-闪光文句

  Task 1 范文
  1.Advantages of public transportation
  2.Advantages of private cars
  3.Disadvantages of both
  4.My preference

  写 作 提 纲Public Transportation or Private Cars?
  Many people appreciate the conveniences of public transportation.They feel relaxed,for example,on a bus or subway,because they dont have to concentrate on driving.Moreover,if they use public transportation,they help to lessen air pollution and traffic jams.In a word,public transportation is a good means for traveling.

  Private cars,however,have attractions of their own.A private car gives more comfort and mobility and enables a person to go when and where he wants to,so much so that he can enjoy his leisure to the full by making trips to the country or seaside on the weekends,without any irritation caused by waiting for buses or trains.

  But “every coin has its two sides”,both public transportation and private cars,in spite of their advantages,have their respective disadvantages.Convenient as the public transportation is, it has its own drawbacks: it doesnt provide frequent enough stops and the location of the bus stops maybe is not so convenient.Private cars,on the other hand,produce pollution as well as traffic jams.And they take more energy to drive.

  As far as I m concerned,I prefer to use public transportation.From all the factors discussed above,we may come to the conclusion that the advantages of public transportation outweigh those of private cars.Thats why I prefer the former.Certainly,Ill take private cars once in a while if quite necessary.

  Task 2 范文
  1.Possible investments
  2.Advantages and disadvantages of both
  3.My preference

  写 作 提 纲Invest in Stock Exchange or Run a Business?
  When it comes to investment,we will inevitably meet the choice between investing in the stock exchange and running a business of our own.We would be regarded as inconsiderate if we rushed to our decision without weighing them.

  First,either speculating on stock exchange or opening a business involves risks.We dont need any installations to enter the stock market.However,we must have many facilities to run a business.Besides,by investing in stock exchange,we wont produce any solid goods and thus we neednt find a market and do the promotion or advertising.However,in running a business,we must consider the potential market for our goods.Finally,the most striking difference is that we dont need employees in buying and selling stocks while to run a business we must take on some employees.

  Therefore,it is not difficult to make a right choice now.If we want to invest in a simpler way,we may as well speculate in stocks; but if we want to invest more safely and profitably,it may be better to open a business.

  Task 3 范文
  1.Possible means of travelling
  2.Advantages and disadvantages of both
  3.My preference

  写 作 提 纲Going on a SelfTour or a Package Tour?
  When we go travelling,well be faced with the choice between a selftour and a package tour.If we go travelling by ourselves,we can take any means of transport as we like.If we choose package tour,we can also choose between the plane and the train at different prices.

  Despite their similarities,selftour and package tour are different in many aspects.First,it is cheaper to travel by ourselves,but it is inconvenient to buy train or plane ticket and accommodate ourselves.However,though more expensive,package tour will arrange everything for us and we need not bother about transportation and accommodation.Second,if we travel ourselves,we can go to any places at any time.Likewise,if we choose package tour,we can go traveling in any places of interest or scenic spots,for there are a lot of travel agencies ready to provide a great variety of trips to different places.Besides,traveling by ourselves,we will feel quite free and can stay in any place as long as we like.On the contrary,by package tour we will be hurried along when time is up according to the schedule.
Therefore,which is better depends on our pocket and time.If we want to be thrifty and free,we should go traveling by ourselves; and if we want to get relaxed,we might as well choose package tour.


  1.Today in China there exist side by side two different teaching approaches: A teacheroriented class and a studentoriented one.Yet the differences between them are enormous.A teachercentered class is a typical traditional passive class.No doubt it is a natural product of the deeprooted examinationoriented education.And there are several characteristics in this kind of class.To begin with,a teacher is the only actor on the stage and all the students are passive audience.Besides,he imparts knowledge to his students in the same way he pours water into a container,never bothering to ignite the sparks or enthusiasm in students.Therefore,the class is often like a pond of dead water.

  2.In contrast,a studentcentered class is a kind of new active class,resulting from the qualityoriented education system.Naturally,Its a newcomer of the education reform.The main characteristic of this kind of class is that the teacher and students are all actors and all the students are actively involved in the classroom activities.Besides,the teacher always tries to instill a love of learning in students and stimulate their interest.As a result,students always find it a pleasure to sit in class,asking questions,discussing or even arguing with the teacher.Therefore,this kind of class is often like a boiling sea.

  3.Whether to become graduate students or to look for a job largely depends on our personal interests.For those who are eager to become economically independent and to put into practice what they have learned in college,taking a job will be both satisfying and rewarding.For years,they have been using their parents money to support their college education,not without a sense of guilt.Moreover,at many times during their study they must have been embarrassed by the lack of money or by the guilty feeling from spending their parents money on “luxuries”.Getting established as a breadearner after graduation is what they have been desiring.

  4.Some people tend to seek similar friends.They feel at ease in company with those who have a lot in common with them in character,temperament,outlook and interest.Furthermore,similar friends respect each other and know how to avoid personal conflicts.It is natural that birds of a feather flock together,as one saying puts it.Other people prefer to have a mixture of friends.They like the challenge of meeting different people who give them a sense of adventure.Besides,contact with different people widens their horizons and adds variety to life.In todays information age especially,they believe,a wide variety of friends do them good in your career development.

  5.One major decision which faces a middle school graduate ready to begin higher education is the choice of attending a large university or a small college.The large university provides wide range of specialized departments,as well as numerous courses within such departments.The small college,however,generally provides a limited number of courses and specializations but offers a better studentfaculty ratio,thus permitting individualized attention to students.

  6.Dormitories are definitely cheaper than apartments.When you pay for a dorm room,you pay for an entire school year,and you neednt pay extra bills for electricity and water.Apartment living is much more expensive.But in an apartment,you have more space to be by yourself and to move around in.The dorm rooms were really small cells with as many as eight students living together.

  7.There are striking differences between working in a large enterprise and getting employed in a small one.In a large enterprise,you can develop an intimate sense of satisfaction from being a member of a wellknown organization.You have the opportunities to learn from the experienced managers and get acquainted with the standard process of production and management.

  8.In the small enterprise,you may have bigger responsibilities and have a better chance of moving up.You may often be called on to make your own decisions at your post and your decision may bring more immediate effect.In this way,you are normally expected to do a great many things without much help or guidance from others and thus exposed directly to various experiences.





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