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第 1 页:第25天 选择与可能性
第 2 页:第25天 选择与可能性-1991年真题作文解析
第 3 页:第25天 选择与可能性-名师推荐的好文章
第 4 页:第25天 选择与可能性-闪光文句
第 5 页:第26天 论点与评述
第 6 页:第26天 论点与评述-名师推荐的好文章
第 7 页:第26天 论点与评述-闪光文句
第 8 页:第27天 方法与措施
第 9 页:第27天 方法与措施-名师推荐的好文章
第 10 页:第27天 方法与措施-闪光文句
第 11 页:第28天原因与起因
第 12 页:第28天原因与起因-名师推荐的好文章
第 13 页:第28天原因与起因-闪光文句
第 14 页:第29天 利弊与危害
第 15 页:第29天 利弊与危害-名师推荐的好文章
第 16 页:第29天 利弊与危害-闪光文句
第 17 页:第30天 需要与行动
第 18 页:第30天 需要与行动-名师推荐的好文章
第 19 页:第30天 需要与行动-闪光文句


  Task 1 范文

  Some Wild Animals on the Verge of Extinction

  While human beings on this planet are increasing greatly in number,many of the other animals are diminishing and some are even in danger of dying out.There are at least two reasons why many species of animals die out or become extinct.

  The first reason comes from human beings.People keep building houses and factories in fields and woods.As they spread over the land,they destroy animals homes.If the animals cant find a place to live in,they die out.Hunters have caused some animals to become extinct,too.In the last century,hunters killed almost all the passenger pigeons and most of the buffaloes in North America.Pollution is also killing many animals today.As rivers become contaminated,fish are poisoned,and many die.Birds that catch the poisoned fish cant lay strong,healthy eggs.New birds are not born.

  The second reason comes from the nature itself.Some scientists think that some animals become extinct because of changes in climate.The places where they live in become hotter or colder,drier or wetter.The food they usually eat cant grow there any more.If the animals cant learn to adapt themselves to the changes or cant find something else to eat,they die.Dinosaurs (恐龙) die out for this reason.

  Task 2 范文

  Why I Want to Attend Graduate School?

  Why have I chosen to attend graduate school? Its a question I have put to myself many times in the past few years.Although the answer is always changing,there are some points that stand out clear and definite.

  The prime one is that I enjoy learning and love knowledge.I remember that as my college education was drawing to a close,my desire for continuing to learn became increasingly strong,and the decision was naturally made as I realized I would not be content to end my education at college level.Besides,I decide to study for a master degree not only because it is a way I continue to seek scientific truths,but also it offers me a chance to discover various new,original ideas.It helps push back the horizons and make me a wellrounded person.And finally I choose to be a postgraduate also because I feel it is a practical and necessary step I took to ensure a secure future for myself.For in todays world,a master degree has become almost essential if one wishes to compete in the job market and to find a ideal position.

  For these reasons,I never mind spending beautiful nights on paperwork; I never consider myself miserable and unfairly burdened; and I never think postgraduate education is a waste of time and money because,above all,it is something worthwhile and I truly want it in my life.

  Task 3 范文

  Childrens Everbulging Schoolbags

  These years we frequently hear school children complaining of the pressure of an everincreasing burden of their studies.The schoolbags on their shoulders are getting heavier and heavier,and the hours spent on their homework longer and longer.

  There are several reasons why their burden isnt easily lifted despite repeated social protests.For one thing,parents have a strong desire for the early intellectual achievement in their children.They believe that without pressure,the chances of their being admitted to key schools,and then to famous universities will be slipped through their fingers.So they constantly press them to score high,be among the best or get a first.For another,our teachers ally themselves with parents in assigning more homework for his own sake as well as to the liking of their parents.Since scores are not only the indicator of success or failure for a particular student,but also a measurement of a teachers performance,and failure on the part of his students in school examinations is often seen as evidence of bad teaching.

  Indeed,to lighten childrens burden is not easy,but is worth trying,for after all parents and teachers dont want the heavy schoolbags to crush them.It is advisable that the teachers improve their inclass teaching efficiency instead of assigning endless homework,which they should realize is  more harmful than beneficial to the youngsters development.And the parents should learn to tap their childrens intellect by taking them out to see the world and arousing their curiosity for knowledge rather than burying them in exercise books.


  There are two main reasons for university merging.First,they merge to restructure their administration system so as to facilitate the education reform in colleges and universities and training of human resources.Second,they merge to improve their composite capability for teaching and research and thus make the expanded universities more competitive and better able to meet the challenge of the new century.
There are many reasons why I want to take IELTS,but in general,they come down to three major ones.For one thing,I think,most wellpaid jobs require persons with good knowledge of English,at least with a IELTS certificate.For another,English is becoming more and more important in our country because of the opendoor policy.But the prime reason is perhaps that IELTS as a worldwide recognized test is a big challenge and it is this challenge that really appeals to me.

  Why do they want odd jobs—jobs usually requiring little skill and knowledge? The primary reason,I think,is money.Feeling the pressure of soaring inflation as a result of which books,movies and bus fares have all gone up in price,there is scarcely a young boy or girl who does not want to earn a little to help cover the increasingly higher living costs,and,if possible,save enough to go travelling or buy things they have long desired.In this way,they hope to be economically independent and avoid the indignity of having to ask their parents for money again and again.Besides,they want to gain some social experience.Students growing up from nursery to school to college know little beyond books and have trouble dealing with realities.Working on a parttime basis can provide them with a rare opportunity to know the outside world and prepare them for the future career.

  People travel because traveling benefits them in a number of ways.First,it enables them to derive much pleasure from seeing sights and snapping pictures.Second,travelling relieves them from strain and makes them thoroughly relaxed and ready to resume their work with renewed efforts.Third,it offers them an opportunity to visit old friends and make new friends as well.Finally,it allows them to see new customs,learn new things,gain new experience and enable them to come back with a broader mind.

  There are many reasons we neednt be frightened by AIDS,of which the following are the most typical ones.First,the Aids virus spreads through blood,and bodily fluid (such as saliva).So long as we dont abuse drug through injection,kiss or have sex with an Aids patients,we are safe from it.Besides,the Aids virus cannot exist outside the human body.Once away from the human body it will soon die,especially in the sunlight.Therefore we will not be infected by touching the things Aids patients have touched.Most important of all,the Aids virus cannot be spread through air.We will not be infected simply because we stay in the same room with Aids patients.In some countries there is no special isolation ward for Aids patients.
There are many reasons accounting for this craziness in lottery.The primary reason for the majority of fortuneseekers is that they hope to realize their longcherished dreams.They think they can own a car,a luxurious house,or even become a millionaire overnight if ever some day the lucky star should shine upon them.An again,most people regard it as an interesting way to make donations to society.Lottery is a kind of public campaign which benefits the whole society.Thanks to the participation of so many people,a great deal of money is raised to promote our public welfare.Thus in this way the heavy financial burden on the government is greatly relieved.

  Why do many college graduates prefer going into business to taking a teaching position? Part of the reason lies in the everwidening pay gap.An official report shows that entrylevel salaries for a bank employee or a business executive can be as high as Y2000 to Y5000,while the monthly income for a teacher with a masters degree is only about Y1000.No wonder college graduates are more interested in big companies.Actually,the preference they exhibit for a highsalary position is as much a desire for success as for comforts a high income can ensure.Working in a business company,a person is provided with ample chances for personal success,and opportunities for expressing his full range of abilities.On the contrary,standing in the classroom,you have no critical decision to make and hardly any way to make yourself felt.

  Why a Sense of Humor Is Important? Humor can enhance physical as well as mental wellbeing.It helps us relieve our burdens,lessen our tension,overcome our frustration,relax our body muscles,and dissolve countless trifles and irritations.With the cracking of a joke,all our worries,sadness and tiredness disperse like mist and smoke and we are full of vim and vigor once again.Moreover,humor helps us live in harmony with others.In our daily life,we will inevitably have some misunderstanding or conflicts with others.But humor can,like something sweet or spicy,inject a softening note into the touchy situation to ease these problems quicker than angry words or quarrels.With it we can always keep on good terms with others.





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