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第 1 页:第25天 选择与可能性
第 2 页:第25天 选择与可能性-1991年真题作文解析
第 3 页:第25天 选择与可能性-名师推荐的好文章
第 4 页:第25天 选择与可能性-闪光文句
第 5 页:第26天 论点与评述
第 6 页:第26天 论点与评述-名师推荐的好文章
第 7 页:第26天 论点与评述-闪光文句
第 8 页:第27天 方法与措施
第 9 页:第27天 方法与措施-名师推荐的好文章
第 10 页:第27天 方法与措施-闪光文句
第 11 页:第28天原因与起因
第 12 页:第28天原因与起因-名师推荐的好文章
第 13 页:第28天原因与起因-闪光文句
第 14 页:第29天 利弊与危害
第 15 页:第29天 利弊与危害-名师推荐的好文章
第 16 页:第29天 利弊与危害-闪光文句
第 17 页:第30天 需要与行动
第 18 页:第30天 需要与行动-名师推荐的好文章
第 19 页:第30天 需要与行动-闪光文句

第28天原因与起因(Reasons and Causes)












  A)Title: For a Better Understanding Between Parent and Child
  B)Time limit: 40 minutes
  C)Word limit: 160~200 words (not including the given opening sentence)
  D)Your composition should  be written clearly in the ANISWER SHEET.

  1.Present situation: Lack of communication between parent and child
  2.Possible reasons:
  1) Different likes and dislikes
  2) Misunderstanding
  3) Others

  1) For parents
  2) For children

  写 作 提 纲For a Better Understanding Between Parent and Child    
  ①Nowadays there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children.Parents often complain about their childrens “unreasonable” behavior,while children usually think their parents too “oldfashioned.” Then,when a child has a problem,he usually goes to his intimate friends for sympathy and advice,②leaving his parents totally in the dark.
  ③There are some possible reasons for the present situation.④First, the two generations,②⑤having grown up at different times,have different likes and dislikes for the things around them and thus have little in common to talk about.④Second, parents and children,⑤due to the misunderstanding between them,may even feel it uncomfortable to sit face to face with each other talking.④Finally, ⑤with the pace of modern life becoming faster and faster, both parent and child are too busy to spare enough time to exchange ideas,even if they find it necessary to communicate.④As a result, the gap between them is growing wider and wider.
⑥To bridge this socalled generation gap,in my opinion,both parents and children ⑦should make an effort.The children ⑦should respect their seniors.The older generation,⑧on the other hand,⑦should show solicitude for the young.As for their differences,both generations ⑦should make allowance for each other.If they will take the first step by actually talking to one another,⑨it wont be long before the arrival of a better understanding between parents and children.    
  ④本段中,考生采用枚举的段落展开方式列举原因,以连接词first,second,finally,as a result贯通;
  ⑧通过语篇连接词on the other hand引出更多建议;
  ⑨ 采用了it is… before 这一特殊句型,并巧妙地与短文第一句相呼应,是非常理想的结论句。

  Nowadays,there is a widespread concern over (interest in) ①… in China (on campus).We are surprised to learn that②….(或Its known to all that③….) And people would get excited/ turn pale at the very mention/thought/sight of ④….
  There are many reasons/causes for/why⑤…,but in general,they come down to three major ones.For one thing,I think,⑥….For another,⑦….But the prime/most decisive reason/cause is perhaps that⑧….
As a result,⑨….(And/No doubt/Naturally,⑩…).Therefore,we/I would take more effective measures (try our/my best//make more efforts) to (bring it well under control/achieve success in it/maximize its benefits and minimize its bad effects).①插入名词短语或动名词短语。如:sports; surfing on the Internet等;
  ②、③插入名词性从句; 强调第一句中提到的现象的普遍性、流行性和风靡程度;

  SARS—Why It Broke Out HereOUTLINE :
  1.Present situation: Lack of communication between parent and child
  2.Possible reasons:
  1) Different likes and dislikes
  2) Misunderstanding
  3) Others

  3.Suggestions :
  1) For parents
  2) For children
  Nowadays,there is a widespread concern over the widespread of SARS in China.We are surprised to learn that SARS broke out in many big cities and is now making its way into the rural areas.(或Its known to all that SARS as an epidemic has broken out in China.And people would turn pale at the very mention of the SARS disaster or get frightened at the sight of a SARS suspect.)

  There are many causes for the quick spread of SARS,but in general,they come down to three major ones.For one thing,I think,China has a large population and the crowded living conditions in cities make it easy for the virus to spread.For another,many Chinese people have a bad habit of spitting everywhere.But the prime cause is perhaps that when SARS first appeared in some areas,some local governments failed to pay due attention to its control,resulting in more serious spreading.

  As a result,SARS got out of hand for some time and killed hundreds of people in China.Therefore,more effective measures should be taken to bring it under control as soon as possible.

  Write an essay of 160~200 words based on each of the following topics:
  Task 1.Some Wild Animals on the Verge of Extinction
  Task 2.Why I Want to Attend Graduate School?
  Task 3.Childrens Everbulging Schoolbags





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