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    第三档次文章 (9——12分):


As seen from the above picture, an American girl in traditional Chinese costume is smiling to us with friendly looking. There are a lot of bright and beautiful accessories on her body. She dresses in Chinese costume, which is a symbol on behalf of the minority people in our country. From the picture we can draw a conclusion that cul­tures are national and international, and no limit between different countries. Even if growing up in various countries, we have still the same interests in cultures, not only in America, but also other coun­tries.

In my view, it is no exaggeration to say that cultures are the most important factor, which can make the mankind progress and benefit a great deal from the communication in cultures, other than economic development. I am of the opinion that, in reaction to the phenomenon of cultures tending to be national and international, China should hold the key to success in the 21st century both in economy and cultures. We are required by the world people to open our cultures. Only in this situation can China act in cultures as an important role in the world stage. Of course, faced with the entry in foreign cultures, we must take steps to keep up the alertness against bad minds. My argument to the point is that we can’t throw the baby away with the bath water.(230 words )


第五档次文章 (1——4分):

例6 :

In this picture an American girl in traditional Chinese costume is smiling to me, flower circling her head and Chinese Changming lock in her chest.

Lovely girl and lovely Chinese traditional costume make me thi­nk. China has many treasures, traditional costume, traditional cul­ture and so on. In its long history it beared excellent culture, beau­tiful scene and advanced mind. We have the excellent traditional cul­ture. Today it belongs to us Chinese and it belong to the world. China need world, the world need China. (84 words )



The American girl who in traditional Chinese costume is very lovely, and she is fit for the clothes. May lie somebody would think that she is a Chinese girl.

Any countries has their own national costume, and almost of these costume are very beautiful, perhaps, some of them can be say "project!"

So our cultures went countries, we happy see it. We happy also see their culture in China. So we loved that all. (74 words )


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