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Study the following picture carefully and write an essay entitled "Cultures—National and International .

In the essay you should

1) describe the picture and interpret its meaning, and

2) give your comment on the phenomenon. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

第一档次文章 (17—20分):


This is a very interesting picture of a lovely American girl dressed in traditional Chinese costume with a sweet smile on her face. She wears a pearl necklace, colorful ribbon, ear rings, and oilier decorating things that are characteristic of the clothes of a Chi­nese minority nationality. It is obvious that as a result of our open-door policy, more and more foreigners visit China and become inter­ested in our national culture, which is making it go international.

There is no reason to make a fuss about this phenomenon. With the rapid development of technology and economy, the world is becoming smaller and smaller, and international cultural exchanges have become more and more frequent, which is inevitably improving our mutual understanding and friendship with other countries.

As Chinese citizens, we should respect our own national culture and learn useful things from the cultures of different nations, which will enable us to make great progress in many ways. I believe a hap­py and bright future is awaiting us if we make every effort to pro­mote cultural development both nationally and internationally.(179 words)



Nowadays, "national culture or international culture" has be­come a matter of great concern for the general public in our society, especially for those who are confronted with this problem. Now let's take a look at the American girl in traditional Chinese costume. She looks very beautiful with a nice smile on her face. It seems that the girl is very fond of the Chinese costume.

Obviously, the picture indicates that a culture of one nation may become international, which is beneficial to all the human be­ings. Since China has opened its door widely to the outside world, many people from different countries want to visit China. They will accept and love the Chinese culture as a whole. In addition, Chinese culture should be well shared with foreign people who have shown their great interest in it. Meanwhile, the Chinese people are also ex­posed to foreign cultures when more foreign people come to China. In this way people from various nations in the world will be able to acquire better understanding of each other and live peacefully in this world.

My opinion about this cultural phenomenon is that a national culture should become international. This is because the culture of any nation is a kind of precious heritage, and belongs to the whole mankind.(213 words)


第二档次文章 (13——16分):


As is shown in this picture, we can see clearly that a charming American girl who is in traditional Chinese costume is smiling to us. The purpose of this picture is that with the development of globalization, great changes have taken place in the world, and one nation's culture has been accepted by the people from another culture.

Why does this phenomenon appear? I think there are several reasons as follows. First, with policy of opening the door to the outside world being well implemented in China, a large number of peo­ple from other countries like to visit China and become interested in traditional Chinese culture. Second, due to the easy and fast communications, the distance between various nations has been shortened, and people can get in touch with each other easily. Therefore, cultures from various nations can be exchanged and different cultures can merge together quickly.

In my opinion, people from different countries should learn and share different cultures. Each culture has its own advantages which might be beneficial to another culture. Besides, there is a trend that globalization is going to be accepted in the whole world. Therefore national cultures should gradually become international.(196 words)



As the picture shows, an American girl in traditional Chinese costume, with a smile on her face, is presented. Obviously, the girl enjoys the culture of traditional Chinese, as many people do. It indi­cates that a culture of one country will go to international.

Many advantages can be seen when a national culture becomes international. First, it can show the outside world its native cul­ture. For example, China, as a country with a long history, may share her profound culture with the rest of the world. Other coun­tries may benefit from the traditional Chinese culture in many as­pects. Second, it will promote communications and exchanges be­tween different cultures from various countries. From my experience, I was very exciting and astonished when 1 had a chance to know American culture through the English language. In my college life, I am lucky to have several foreign friends. Ideally, my foreign friends and 1 have learned a lot from each other about the cultures. Third, it is nice for people from different cultural backgrounds to live together and share the different cultures.

In a word, man's life will be made more colorful when

National cultures have become international.


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