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2006年考研英语阅读模拟题 Text 68





  New and bizarte crimes have come into being with the advent of computer technology.Organized crime too has been directly involved;the new technology offers it unlimited opportunities,such as data crimes,theft of services,property-related crimes,industrial sabotage,politically related sabotage,vandalism,crimes against the individual and financially related crimes.

  1. ______________________ This is usually the theft or copying of valuable computer program..An international market already exists for computerized data,and specialized fences are said to be playing a key role in this rapidly expanding criminal market.Buyers for stolen programs may range from a firm's competitors to foreign nations.

  2. ______________________ This computer sabotage may also be tied to an attempt by affluent investors to acquire the victim firm.With the growing reliance by firms on computers for their recordkeeping and daily oprations,sabotage of their computers can result in internal havoc,after which the group interested in acquiring the firm can easily buy it at a substantially lower price.Criminal groups could also resort to sabotage if the company is a competitor of a business owned or controlled by organized crime.

  3.______________________ Sophisticated computer technology arms these groups with awesome powers and opens technologically advanced nations to their attack.Several attempts have already been made to destroy computer facility at an air force base.A university computer facility involved in national defence work suffered more than$2million in damages as a result of a bombing.

  Computer vulnerability has been amply documented.4. ______________________ Organized criminal syndicate have shown their willingness to work with politically motivated groups.Investigators have uncovered evidence of cooperation between criminal groups and foreign governments in narcotics.Criminal groups have taken attempts in assassinating political leaders Computers are used in hospital life-support system,in laboratories,and in major surgery.Criminals could easily turn these computers into tools of devastation.By sabotaging the computer of a life-support system,criminals could kill an individual as easily as they and used a gun.By manipulating a computer,they could guide awesome tools of terror against large urban centers.Cities and nations could be come hostages.Homicide could take a new form.The computer may become the hit man of the twentieth century.

  The computer opens vast areas of crime to organized criminal groups,both national and international.It calls on them to pool their resources and increase their cooperative efforts,because many of these crimes are too complex for one group to handle,especially those requiting a vast network of fences.

  5. ______________________ .

  [A]Computer crime can involve criminal activities that are traditional in nature,such as theft,fraud,forgery and mischief,all of which are generally subject everywhere to criminal sanctions.The computer has also created a host of potentially new misuses or abuses that may,or should,be criminal as well.

  [B]One congressional study concluded that neither government nor private computer systems are adequately protected against sabotage.

  [C]Although criminals have adapted to computer technology,law enforcement has not.Many still think in terms of traditional criminology.

  [D]Theft of data,or data crime,has attracted the interest of organized criminal syndicates.

  [E]The number of verifiable computer crimes is not,therefore,very high.

  [F]A competitor sabotages a company's computer system to destroy or cripple the firm'operational ability,thus neutralizing its competitive capability either in the private or the government sector,

  [G]Politically motivated sabotage is on the increase;political extremist groups have sprouted on every continent.
















