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Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.


Text 1

Wild claims on labels of worthless medicines are much less frequent than there were years ago. But some over-the-counter drugs are still being promoted by tall stories, sometimes told in booklets or through advertising rather than on the label.

One tall story is that every American today suffers from a vitamin or mineral deficiency and needs vitamin supplements. This isn’t so. Vitamins and minerals are plentiful in our food supply. Eating a variety of foods makes it almost certain that you will get a full amount of these nutrients.

Infants, pregnant women, the sick and those who are dieting may need special supplements. But the family physician is the best authority on what vitamin supplements are needed.

If your doctor does recommend supplements, take the suggested does    no more. Some people take or give vitamins on the principle that if a little is good, twice as much is better. Excessive doses of certain vitamins are known to be poisonous.

If you are overweight, don’t fall for a formula that promises you a slim, trim figure without dieting or calorie counting. To reduce, you must consume fewer calories than you use up in daily living.

The energy-producing or heat-producing value of food is measured in calories. One calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water one degree centigrade. If calories are not used in producing heat or energy, they build fat.

If you need to lose only a few pounds, you can probably work out your own diet. But if you need to lose many pounds, have your doctor plan a diet for you. Crash diets can break down your health, not your weight.

Beware of cosmetics that make exaggerated claims or promises. There are no quick or easy cures for spots. Spots on the face are caused by a combination of factors. No cream that comes in a jar can cure them.

Don’t trust any cream or gadget (small device) that promises to give you curves where you want them, or take them from where they are not wanted. Any cream that could do this would not be safe to use and there are no gadgets that are effective for spot reducing.

The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act protects the consumer by prohibiting any statements on labels or packages that are false or misleading.

1. The author reveals at the beginning of the text that

A more often than not, all over-the-counter drugs were worthless years ago.

B false accounts of useless medicines are shifting from labels to ad brochures.

C valueless drugs are still being spread by lengthy tales through advertising.

D imaginary stories about worthless drugs are frequently related in advertisements.

2. It is implied in the text that

A many people take unnecessary drugs.

B few people take the right kind of vitamins.

C some people take excessive doses of vitamins.

D most people have trust in overthecounter drugs.

3. The author argues for

A the high value of prescription drugs.

B the quality of TV commercials.

C the safety of over-the-counter drugs.

D the vitamin content of American food.

4. According to the text, which of the following is NOT true?

A Worthless drugs used to be promoted on the label.

B Vitamin supplements are needed by the elderly.

C There is nothing that can cure skin spots easily.

D A person who wishes to lose weight must eat less.

5. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the text?

A Being on diet will ensure a good health.

B Be careful of misleading advertisements.

C Drastic action should be taken against worthless drugs.

D There is no need for Americans to supplement vitamins.



Part A

Text 1 :1. B     2. C     3. D     4. B     5. B

