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Part B


In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 21 25, choose the most suitable one from the list A G to fit into each of the number blanks. There are two extra choices, which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.


Ecologists have generally defined the environment as the external conditions and influences affecting the life and development of organisms. From this basic concept a definition of the human environment can be derived by replacing organisms by man in the above definition. Further clarification of the nature of human conditions and influences is needed.

(21) .   The lithosphere includes the Earth’s solid crust down to an average depth of 60km into the interior of the globe. The hydrosphere is made up by the oceans, lakes, rivers, icecaps and other water bodies. The atmosphere comprises the gaseous envelope of the planet. (22)     

Living organisms and non-living parts depend upon each other and interact in  complex ways,  which are studied by ecologists with the fundamental ecosystem  approach.

Moving from the global view of spaceship Earth to a regional, national, or local  level, one is led to the consideration of fellow human beings as an  additional social component of the environment. (23) . In particular, they  have  created an artificial,  man-made  environment  which affects all  other  environmental  components.  The  environmental  problem  exists  within  these inter-relationships and interdependencies.


(25)       The difficulties involved are described by Bartelmus, who offers  a tentative list of general human objectives, condensed from a variety of publicly  proclaimed  social  objectives.  The  list  of  objectives  includes  affection,  recreation and entertainment,  education,  human freedoms (security),  shelter,  esthetic  and  cultural  values,  political  equity (participation and  social  opportunities), health, physiological needs and future quality of life. Subjective  value judgments are involved in such a list, and any further breakdown would be  even more arbitrary as human preferences vary significantly among individuals and through time and space.

AThe shift in the way ecologists study the planet, from the  spaceship Earth paradigm (model) to one that emphasizes the role of social interactions in the environment, allows for a great deal of subjectivity.

BDevelopment is generally accepted to be a process that attempts to improve the living conditions of people. Most also agree that the improvement of living conditions relates to non-material wants as well as to physical requirements. Development goals that call for the increase of human welfare or the improvement of the quality of life reflect this agreement.

CTaking a global look at the whole of mankind, regional variations of habitat may be put aside for a description of the major physical characteristics of our planet.

D Quantifiable definitions of these concepts are needed for measuring progress toward development goals. A typical starting point has been to break down the overall objective of human welfare into sub-objectives or targets.

E The  human  environment  is in the  process  of becoming  so  diverse  that sub-categories are so far from their starting point that the subsequent subjectivity makes it impossible to have clear objectives.

F The biosphere is the part of the physical world where life can exist, and includes the living organisms themselves. It extends into all other spheres and is usually broken down into biotic and abiotic components.

G Social groups such as nations, tribes and families interact in numerous ways, both aggressive and cooperative, and cause distinctive impacts, both productive and destructive, on the biophysical environment.



Part A

Text 3: 11. B 12. D 13. A 14. D 15. C

Text 4: 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. A

Part B

 21. C 22. F 23. G 24. B 25. D


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