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Direction 24
Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:
1. describe the picture,
2. interpret the meaning of the picture;
3. make your comments.
You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.


The picture describes a match of kicking the ball: the person on the left has just kicked the ball toward the person on the right, who has already been ready to kick the ball back. A close examination will help us find out that this is a match between the producer and the seller—both of them refuse to take on the responsibility whenever the customer reports a problem.
We can’t forget those days in the past when we went shopping. The shop assistant was so cold and indifferent that we usually had to wait for long. We often had no right of comparing and selecting. Later when we found there was something wrong with the product, the chance of getting it exchanged was slim, not to mention returning it to the shop. The shop always said the producer was to blame, and if we went to the producer directly, the latter would say that it was not common practice for a customer to contact the producer. Even if we finally succeeded in exchanging the product, it always took too much time and wasted too much energy.
In the present environment of market economy, we are happy to see that the situation in our nation has improved significantly. When a customer is not satisfied with a product, he is entitled to return it to the store and get refunded during a certain period of time. If that time limit has passed, the customer still has the right to get the product exchanged.
In this era of fast economic development, both the producer and the seller should first cater to the needs of the customer. Anyone who fails to do so will be driven out of the market sooner or later.

第三段说现在的情况已大幅改善。顾客有权在一段时间内退货,如果期限已过,也可以换货。段中be entitled to表示“有权利做某事”,refund表示“退款”。


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