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29. A small step has been taken in the direction of a national agency with the creation of the Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment,funded by Ottawa and the provinces.

【译文】 渥太华和一些省出资成立了加拿大医疗技术评估协作办公室,这意味着向成立全国性机构的目标迈出了一小步。

【析句】 这是一个简单句,句子的主干是A small step has been taken in the direction of a national agency。with the creation…Assessment是状语,过去分词短语(funded by Ottawa and the provinces)作定语,修饰the Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment。

【讲词】 assess意为“估定,评定”,assessment是其名词形式。Damages were assessed at 1,000 RMB.(损失估计达一千元人民币。)What is your assessment of the situation?(你对时局的看法如何?)

fund作名词时表示“资金,基金(会)”,作动词意为“资助,投资”。idle fund(游资),public welfare fund(公益金),a relief fund(救济基金),a reserve fund(公积金),a scholarship fund(奖学金基金)。The project was abandoned for want of funds.(这个计划因为缺少资金而作罢。)The project funded by the government has eased the traffic problem in the city.(政府投资的项目缓解了城市的交通问题。)

30. Or they could read Mr. Kirbys report: “the substantial buying power of such an agency would strengthen the public prescriptiondrug insurance plans to negotiate the lowest possible purchase prices from drug companies.”

【译文】 或许他们可以读一读科尔比先生的报告:“由于这样一个机构拥有实实在在的购买力,因而公共处方药保险计划就会得到加强,从而与制药公司展开谈判,以尽可能低的价格采购药品。”

【析句】 引号之内的成分可以视作为Mr. Kirbys report的同位语。引号中的成分是一个单句,to negotiate the lowest possible purchase prices from drug companies是其目的状语。由于引号中的主语(the substantial buying power of such an agency)太长,因此在译成汉语时应该考虑译成一个分句。

【讲词】 buying power又叫purchasing power(购买力)。注意negotiate的用法,to negotiate sth with sb。Mexico had unequal bargaining power when it negotiated the Treaty with the United States.(墨西哥在与美国缔结条约时没有平等的讨价还价权力。)You should negotiate a pay raise with your boss.(你应该与你的老板交涉,争取让他给你涨工资。)

31. According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information,prescription drug costs have risen since 1997 at twice the rate of overall healthcare spending. Part of the increase comes from drugs being used to replace other kinds of treatments. Part of it arises from new drugs costing more than older kinds. Part of it is higher prices.

【译文】 根据加拿大医疗信息研究所的报告,处方药的成本自1997年以来持续上涨,其上涨幅度是整个医疗支出速度的两倍。部分原因是不断有新药取代旧的治疗手段,部分原因是新药比旧药贵,部分原因是价格高。

【析句】 句子并不复杂,但要注意英语中的倍数表达(twice the rate),以及如何解释原因。

【讲词】 twice可以表达两倍。Greenland ice cap is breaking up at twice the rate it was five years ago.(格陵兰的冰冠正以5年前两倍的速度融化。)

arise from意为“起于”。This case arose from a fire in a residential property in southern Delaware.(这一案件源于南特拉华州一处民宅的火灾。)The serious health problems arose from the Gulf War.(这一严重的健康问题起于海湾战争。)

32. So,if the provinces want to run the healthcare show,they should prove they can run it,starting with an interprovincial health list that would end duplication,save administrative costs,prevent one province from being played off against another,and bargain for better drug prices.

【译文】 所以说,如果各省都想自己掌管医疗事业,它们就应该证明自己能够管好,首先各省应当不再单独制定药品采购清单,而是协同制定一份统一的药品采购清单,节省管理成本,防止各省之间互相争斗,并尽量争取压低药品的价格。

【析句】 这是一个条件复合句,从句是if the provinces want to run the healthcare show,主句是they should prove they can run it。starting with an interprovincial health list作句子的伴随状语,而an interprovincial health list后面跟了一个定语从句。在定语从句中,谓语动词一共有四个(end,save,prevent和bargain)。

【讲词】 run在句中是“管理”的意思。Remember when George W. Bush said hed run the country like a corporation?(记得乔治·W·布什曾说他管理国家会像管理公司一样吗?)The problem we have is that he has no idea how to run the company.(我们的问题是他不知如何管理公司。)
