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17. Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night,progressing toward happier ones before awakening,suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated during the day.

【译文】 多数人似乎在入睡初期做更多不好的梦,而在快睡醒前会逐渐做开心一些的梦,这说明人们会在梦里排解白天的负面情绪。

【析句】 Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night是句子的主干,后面跟了两个现在分词结构progressing toward…和suggesting that …,都是作伴随状语,但是第一个现在分词结构的逻辑主语是most people,而第二个的逻辑主语是suggesting前面的所有句子成分。另外,在suggesting的宾语从句中,过去分词结构generated during the day 作后置定语,修饰前面的feelings。

【讲词】 progress作动词表示“进展”。Our company cannot progress until we employ more people.(我们公司只有雇用更多的人才能发展。)

generate的意思是“产生,形成,生成”:computergenerated imagery(计算机生成的图像)。When coal burns,it generates heat.(煤在燃烧时产生热量。)The situation generated widespread dissatisfaction with the peace process.(这种形势导致人们对和平进程普遍感到不满。)

18. Because our conscious mind is occupied with daily life we dont always think about the emotional significance of the days events—until,it appears,we begin to dream.

【译文】 因为我们的意识为日常琐事所占据,所以我们不会总是考虑白天发生的事情对情绪的影响,直到我们开始做梦,这种影响似乎才出现。

【析句】 本句是一个表示关系的复合句,Because引导原因状语从句,主句是we dont always think about the emotional significance of the days events。破折号后面的until引导一个时间状语从句,其中it appears 是插入语。

【讲词】 occupy除了常见的意思“占领”以外,还表示“占用”。As I was full occupied with my own thinking,I did not hear the teacher calling my name.(我一门心思想着事,没有听到老师叫我的名字。)I was occupied with preparing for the postgraduate examinations.(我一门心思准备考研。)

significance意为“意义,含义,重要性”。It was not until the early 18th century that the significance of the event was generally realized.(直到18世纪初,人们才普遍认识到这一事件的意义。)Proper methods are needed to determine the significance of these changes.(需要恰当的方式才能确定这些变化的重要性。)

19. At the end of the day,theres probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleeping or “we wake up in panic,” Cartwright says.

【译文】 卡特莱特说,说到底,只要梦不使我们无法睡眠或“从梦中惊醒”,就没有多少理由在意所做的梦。

【析句】 At the end of the day在句中作状语。句子的主句theres probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all,后面的unless 引导条件状语从句,其中包含两个以or连接的并列分句。

【讲词】 reason是一个常用词,多用作名词,也可用作动词。Theres a great deal of reason in his advice.(他的忠告极有道理。)有或没有理由去做什么事,都可以套用reason来表达。You have no reason to treat him like that.(你没有理由那么对他。)reason作动词表示“与……理论(讲道理),辩论,说服,推断”。He reasoned out a solution to the problem.(他经过推断,找出了解决问题的办法。)

at the end of the day意为“最终;说到底;归根结底”。At the end of the day,a leaders job is to get results.(领导的职责说到底就是要拿出成绩来。)At the end of the day people will learn to be more tolerant of people who dont see the world the same way.(人们最终将学会更加宽容那些世界观与我们不尽相同的人。)
