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    复习快到12月份,面对只有一个多月的时间即将步入研究生考试考场,很多学生似乎变得更加迷茫,似乎以前所复习的内容不知道如何有效地总结归纳,更不知道作为考研英语当中的重头戏——阅读理解怎么样才能真正为自己在大考当中获得稳定的分数。 很多同学毫无目的的去阅读大量的文章,有的同学甚至是为了阅读而去阅读,在阅读的过程中毫无章法可言。如果这种状态一直持续到考试当天的话,对于很多学生来说,应该是一件非常可怕的事情。因为考研英语阅读理解在平时看起来似乎很难,但在正式的考试当中,它其实能够为广大考生贡献很大的力量。因为在考研阅读的文章选择、编写以及试题的设置的过程当中,事实上是有很多规律的,并且从考官的角度来说,他们从来不期望所有的考题的正确率都不到20%。换句话说,考研阅读其实是有一部分送分的题目的。只要考生在考场上清楚文章的行文规律以及抓住出题的规律,正确率达到60%以上并不是可望而不可及的事情。大家要知道,历年考研英语阅读理解的正确率几乎都在60%左右徘徊。



  Over the past century, all kinds of unfairness and discrimination have been condemned or made illegal. But one insidious form continues to thrive: alphabetism. This, for those as yet unaware of such a disadvantage, refers to discrimination against those whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet.

  本段中出现了一个转折词,其后的内容是我们需要关注的,而后面的内容告诉我们:one insidious form continues to thrive: alphabetism。这里就出现了刚才所提过的生词alphabetism,其实考官在后面给考生进行了详尽的解释This, for those as yet unaware of such a disadvantage, refers to discrimination against those whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet。也就是说alphabetism指的就是字母歧视。读到这里,我们可以确定第一个段落的主题——现在存在着不为大家所重视的字母歧视的问题。


  It has long been known that a taxi firm called AAAA cars has a big advantage over Zodiac cars when customers thumb through their phone directories. Less well known is the advantage that Adam Abbott has in life over Zoë Zysman. English names are fairly evenly spread between the halves of the alphabet. Yet a suspiciously large number of top people have surnames beginning with letters between A and K.


  Thus the American president and vice-president have surnames starting with B and C respectively; and 26 of George Bush’s predecessors (including his father) had surnames in the first half of the alphabet against just 16 in the second half. Even more striking, six of the seven heads of government of the G7 rich countries are alphabetically advantaged (Berlusconi, Blair, Bush, Chirac, Chrétien and Koizumi). The world’s three top central bankers (Greenspan, Duisenberg and Hayami) are all close to the top of the alphabet, even if one of them really uses Japanese characters. As are the world’s five richest men (Gates, Buffett, Allen, Ellison and Albrecht).



  Can this merely be coincidence? One theory, dreamt up in all the spare time enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged, is that the rot sets in early. At the start of the first year in infant school, teachers seat pupils alphabetically from the front, to make it easier to remember their names. So short-sighted Zysman junior gets stuck in the back row, and is rarely asked the improving questions posed by those insensitive teachers. At the time the alphabetically disadvantaged may think they have had a lucky escape. Yet the result may be worse qualifications, because they get less individual attention, as well as less confidence in speaking publicly.


  The humiliation continues. At university graduation ceremonies, the ABCs proudly get their awards first; by the time they reach the Zysmans most people are literally having a ZZZ. Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically, and their recipients lose interest as they plough through them.

  第五段的句首仍然是全文主题的改写——The humiliation continues。后面以毕业典礼为例,证明这一观点。


  46. What does the author intend to illustrate with AAA A cars and Zodiac cars?

  [A] A kind of overlooked inequality.

  [B] A type of conspicuous bias.

  [C] A type of personal prejudice.

  [D] A kind of brand discrimination.


  47. What can we infer from the first three paragraphs?

  [A] In both East and West, names are essential to success.

  [B] The alphabet is to blame for the failure of Zoë Zysman.

  [C] Customers often pay a lot of attention to companies’ names.

  [D] Some form of discrimination is too subtle to recognize.


  48. The 4th paragraph suggests that

  [A] questions are often put to the more intelligent students.

  [B] alphabetically disadvantaged students often escape form class.

  [C] teachers should pay attention to all of their students.

  [D] students should be seated according to their eyesight.


  49. What does the author mean by “most people are literally having a ZZZ” (Lines 2-3, Paragraph 5)?

  [A] They are getting impatient.

  [B] They are noisily dozing off.

  [C] They are feeling humiliated.

  [D] They are busy with word puzzles.

  本题为词汇题,根据词汇题的同性原则,我们需要寻找出题词汇的前后左右附近有无having a ZZZ的同性词汇。而这道题目很多同学在做的时候会发现正确选项的正确性并不是很容易确定,其实本题的选项来自于最后一句话中的and their recipients lose interest as they plough through them,并结合常识而得出B。由于本文重点解释的是主题的重要性,所以在这里便不对这道题目多加叙述。

  50. Which of the following is true according to the text?

  [A] People with surnames beginning with N to Z are often ill-treated.

  [B] VIPs in the Western world gain a great deal from alphabetism.

  [C] The campaign to eliminate alphabetism still has a long way to go.

  [D] Putting things alphabetically may lead to unintentional bias.



