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来源:新航道 2005-11-26 8:57:08 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A

Text 1
21. D 22.B 23.A 24.C 25.B

Text 2
26.C 27.D 28.A 29.D 30.B

Text 3
31.A 32.C 33.D 34.D.35.A

Text 4
36.B 37.D 38.A  39.B 40. C

Part B




    41.F  本段主要讲述美国911事件前索马里采取的政策,然后引出911事件后政策的改变。从上文中“This, like so much else, changed on September 11th.”可以推断,接下来讲的应该是事件后的举措。 [D[]E[F]似乎都于事件后举措有关,但[D]讲的是西方国家总体的策略,而[E]讲的是美国情报人员的具体行动,只有[F]讲的是美国举措,而且下面一段讲的就是这个举措的具体情况。因此F与上文内容相吻合。

    42.G 本段上文讲的是美国将伊斯兰极端主义组织定为恐怖组织,下文是说美国担心索马里会成为逃亡人员的避难所,以及美国海军、侦察机的行动。[A]讲的是有关伊斯兰极端主义组织的情况,似乎和上文可以接起来,但由 “Al-Itihaad subsequently infiltrated Somalia's business class”句中subsequently(随后,后来)可以推断这句话前面应该是说该组织最初的一些情况,和上文It had listed a Somali Islamic group, al-Itihaad al-Islamiya (Islamic Unity), as a terrorist organisation.就不符合了。再仔细分析一下,这部分仍旧讲的是美国的在不同方面实施的一些行动和举措,而且中间几个句子都用it作主语,回头看一下几个选项,[G]讲的也是一些举措,并且主语为it,符合这段的行文和逻辑意思。

    43.[B]  本题空白处是一段的开头,下文讲的是某个人的看法,而前一段讲的是美国采取的行动,并未提到什么人,所以可以推断空白处应该是第一次讲述有关这个人的情况,[B][C]都提到了人物,再具体看他们所说的话。[B]说的是there are "approximately 20,480 armed extremists" in Somalia and "85% of the government is al-Itihaad",[C]说的是an al-Itihaad camp on Ras Kamboni island is still active,而根据下文说的he would be ready "to liberate the country from these evil forces"可知上文提到的应该是许多势力,而[C]中只是一个“基地”阵营而已,所以[B]与下文内容符合。

    44.[C]  本题的上文讲的是关于梅尔卡市目前的情况,而下文是联合国对于该城市的某个情况的了解,后面又提到了这个岛屿和Kismaayo较近,可以推断空白处应该也是关于这个城市的内容,选项中只有[C]提到了Ras Kamboni island,和下文吻合。而且an al-Itihaad camp on Ras Kamboni island is still active 这句话正是对上文的一个解释,所以[C]是正确答案。

    45.[A]  本题上文讲的是有关al-Itihaad组织的情况,因此空白处应该也是这方面内容,所有选项中只有[A]提及了这个组织,讲的是这个组织后来和目前的情况,而上文讲的正好是该组织过去的状况,正好吻合。所以[A]是正确答案。

Part C






Section Ⅲ Writing

Part A

Dear Sir,

    I am writing to you to express my dissatisfaction with one of your tours that I took over the National Day holiday. I participated in the 7-day tour of Yunnan (tour code YN10).

    There were two things that I was particularly disappointed with. First, the hotel accommodation did not in any way resemble the pictures we were shown prior to the tour. The rooms were unclean and dark. Second, the guide did not accompany us throughout the whole tour, as advertised. Frequently, we had to fend for ourselves.

    Given the above, I feel entitled to a partial refund of the tour fee, to compensate for the lower quality accommodation and partial absence of a tour guide.

    Yours faithfully,

    Li Ming

Part B

Cars: Should we Love them or Hate them?

    In the picture, there are some statistics showing the cars number in China from 1980 to 2002. From the statistics, we can see that the number of cars has increased drastically since the turn of the millennium.

    The statistics indicate that there is a higher and higher demand for cars nowadays. Ten years ago, the car was a real luxury for most of the people in China. Owning a car seemed to be a dream too far away to realize. However, this luxury is now becoming somewhat of a necessity to many people. From this phenomenon, a conclusion can be reached that the living standards of the people have improved by a big margin. Cars make our life more convenient. However, good dreams may sometimes turn to be nightmares. Many problems accompany the increasing numbers of cars. There are more and more accidents which can bring disaster to many families. The city traffic is in chaos and traffic jams have become a part of our daily life. Air pollution and noise pollution caused by cars do harm to our health. People who loved cars so much before have begun to hate these annoying machines.

    In fact, all things have dual characters. What we should do is to reduce the influence of the negative one to the minimum. It is true that cars have brought a lot of problems to our life. However, many measures can be taken to tackle them. More roads and overpasses can be built. Some improvements can be made to reduce the volume of the exhaust air. I believe that everybody will love cars one day in the future.

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