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  Emerging from the 1980 census is the picture of a nation developing more and more regional competition, as population growth in the Northeast and Midwest reaches a near standstill.

  This development—and its strong implication for US politics and economy in years ahead—has enthroned the South as America’s most densely populated region for the first time in the history of the nation’s head counting.

  Altogether, the Us population rose in the 1970s by 23.2 million people—numerically the third-largest growth ever recorded in a single decade. Even so, that gain adds up to only 11.4 percent, lowest in American annual records except for the Depression years.

  Americans have been migrating south and west in larger numbers since World War Ⅱ, and the pattern still prevails. (1998年 Passage 4)

  Discerned from the perplexing picture of population growth the 1980 census provided, America in 1970s .

  [A] enjoyed the lowest net growth of population in history

  [B] witnessed a southwestern shift of population

  [C] underwent an unparalleled period of population growth

  [D] brought to a standstill its pattern of migration since World War Ⅱ

  这是一道涉及数字的题目,从标志词1970s可以定位为文章第三段,本段指出:“20世纪70年代,美国人口总共增长了2 320万——从数字上看,这是有纪录以来10年期人口增长的第三高峰。即使如此,人口总数也只增加了11.4%,除了大萧条时期,这是美国年度记录最低的增长率。”因此,[A]选项和[C]选项与文意不符。接着文章第四段谈到人口普查显示出“第二次世界大战以来,美国人不断移居西部和南部,现在这种趋势依然存在”。因此可以得出[B]选项是正确答案,而[D]选项与该段内容正好相反。



  There are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product, the other as a process. People have generally viewed personal growth as an external result or product that can easily be identified and measured. The worker who gets a promotion, the student whose grades improve, the foreigner who learns a new language-all these are examples of people who have measurable results to show for their efforts.

  By contrast, the process of personal growth is much more difficult to determine, since by definition it is a journey and not the specific signposts or landmarks along the way. The process is not the road itself, but rather the attitudes and feelings people have, their caution or courage, as they encounter new experiences and unexpected obstacles. In this process, the journey never really ends; there are always new ways to experience the world, new ideas to try, new challenges to accept. (1995年 Passage 2)

  A person is generally believed to achieve personal growth when .

  [A] he has given up his smoking habit

  [B] he has made great efforts in his work

  [C] he is keen on learning anything new

  [D] he has tried to determine where he is on his journey






  The attacks on ambition are many and come from various angles; its public defenders are few and unimpressive, where they are not extremely unattractive. As a result, the support for ambition as a healthy impulse, a quality to be admired and fixed in the mind of the young, is probably lower than it has ever been in the United States. This does not mean that ambition is at an end, that people no longer feel its stirrings and promptings, but only that, no longer openly honored, it is less openly professed. Consequences follow from this, of course, some of which are that ambition is driven underground, or made sly. Such, then, is the way things stand: on the left angry critics, on the right stupid supporters, and in the middle, as usual, the majority of earnest people trying to get on in life. (2000年 Passage 5)

  From the last paragraph the conclusion can be drawn that ambition should be maintained .

  [A] secretly and vigorously

  [B] openly and enthusiastically

  [C] easily and momentarily

  [D] verbally and spiritually




  No clear-cut distinction can be drawn between professionals and amateurs in science: exceptions can be found to any rule. Nevertheless, the word “amateur” does carry a connotation that the person concerned is not fully integrated into the scientific community and, in particular, may not fully share its values. The growth of specialisation in the nineteenth century, with its consequent requirement of a longer, more complex training, implied greater problems for amateur participation in science. The trend was naturally most obvious in those areas of science based especially on a mathematical or laboratory training, and can be illustrated in terms of the development of geology in the United Kingdom. (2001年 Passage 1)

  The author writes of the development of geology to demonstrate.

  [A] the process of specialisation and professionalisation

  [B] the hardship of amateurs in scientific study

  [C] the change of policies in scientific publications

  [D] the discrimination of professionals against amateurs

  前一段谈到,业余研究者进入专业领域很难的趋势在某些科学领域尤为突出,英国地质学的发展就说明了这一问题。后一段通过对19世纪英国地质学及其出版物的变化、研究方式的变化、非专业人员研究过程的困难等的陈述,说明专业人员和业余人员之间的分化越来越明显。因此可引申推理出作者的写作目的正是描述[A]选项 “职业化和专业化形成的过程”。

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