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来源:华宏MBA 2009-11-10 11:11:32 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场





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  41. What's this passage for?

  42. Who will be interested in reading it?

  43. Can a 14-year-old boy be sent there?

  44. If you want to send your daughter to that school, what should you do?

  45. What does the school offer?


  He saw the station in a new light. Here was a mass of human beings, some black, some white, and some brown like himself. Here they mixed with one another, yet each mistrusted the other with an unnatural fear. Each treated the other with suspicion, each move in a narrow, haunted pattern of its own manufacture. One must challenge these things the speaker had said in one's own way. Yet how in one's way? How was one to challenge? Slowly it dawned upon him. Here was his chance, the bench. The railway bench with the legend "Europeans Only" neatly painted on it in white. For one moment it symbolized all the challenge to his rights as a man. There it stood, a perfectly ordinary wooden railway bench, like hundreds of thousands of others in South Africa. That bench, now had concentrated in it all the evils of system, he could not understand. It was the obstacle to himself and humanity. If he sat on it he was a human in a human society. He almost had visions of fighting the pernicious system if only he sat on that bench. Here was his chance. He, Karlie, would challenge。

  46. What is this passage about? 47. Who is the main character in the passage? 48. Is he a black person? 49. Where is he? 50. What is he going to do?


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