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来源:华宏MBA 2009-11-10 11:11:32 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场




  PASSAGE 1 JAMAICA There's no place like home Here are you , at home in Jamaica in your very own villa, all pastels and privacy. With Evangeline to spoil you: she's going shopping soon, to surprise you with a lobster for dinner. Madly extravagant? Not at all. There are hundreds of villas for rent, all over Jamaica. Bring your family, or share one with your best friends and the cost becomes inc_ reasingly attractive. A d what nicer way to experience the bountiful wonders of Jamaica than to have your own special place to return to e_ ach evening where you can sit back with a ruin punch, talk about tomo_ rrow, and to yourself, "There's no place like home." Make it Jamaica. Again。

  21. "Villa" in this advertisement refers to a ________。

  A. boarding house

  B. mud hut

  C. log cabin

  D. small house

  22. "Madly extravagant" in this advertisement means _______。

  A. very cheap

  B. fairly cheap

  C. very expensive

  D. fairly expensive

  23. The advertisement implies that you _______。

  A. enjoy sightseeing in foreign places

  B. don't have to spend a lot of money

  C. may require entertainment by well-known singers。

  D. need a lot of excitement on your vacation。

  24. The advertisement appeals to the reader's need for ______。

  A. quiet pleasure

  B. delicious food

  C. relaxation

  D. all of the above

  25. "Bountiful" means _________。

  A. abundant

  B. fertile

  C. great

  D. prosperous


  BL has dismissed fight works firemen alleged to have been asleep at its Land-Rover works at Solihull when two works inspectors p_ aid an unexpected visit to the duty fireroom shortly before dawn on Monday. All firemen on the night shift, including the officer in charge, are said to have been sleeping in chairs or stretched out on the floor. This is the second time in recent years that a group of BL empl_ oyees at Solihull has been dismissed for sleeping on duty. Two and a half years ago 13 night shift workers there were found a_ sleep. They had brought sleeping bags, blankets, and built makeshift b_ unks. But it is understood that no such preparations had been m_ ade by the firemen. The eight were brought before a disciplinary hearing on Tuesday and charged with conduct in breach of their duty. They were sum_ marily dismissed. All eight have given voice of their intention to appeal under t_ he company's disputes procedure. The hearing is expected to take place next week with officials of the Transport and General Wor_ kers Union representing them。

  26. According to the passage, inspectors paid an unexpected vis_ it to the duty fireroom just _____。

  A. before the moon set

  B. after the moon set

  C. after the sun set

  D. before the sun rose

  27. What were the firemen doing?

  A. They were building a kind of bed。

  B. They were mending sleeping bags。

  C. They were attending a meeting。

  D. They were sleeping on night shift。

  28. How could the previous breach of duty at BL be best described?

  A. 13 night shift workers were found playing cards 30 months ago。

  B. 13 night shift workers were found sleeping soundly 30 months ago。

  C. 8 night shift workers were found drinking alcohol three years ago/

  D. 8 night shift workers were found asleep two and a half years ago。

  29. We learned that as a result of this latest case ______。

  A. eight firemen were sacked

  B. thirteen firemen were dismissed

  C. eight firemen were promoted

  D. thirteen firemen were fired。

  30. Which of the following statement is true?

  A. All firemen of that works have been dismissed。

  B. The firemen who have been fired were going to leave the factory。

  C. The Workers Union support that these firemen should be fired。

  D. Those firemen would appeal。

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