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第四部分  外语运用能力测试(英语)


Part One     Vocabulary and Structure


There are ten incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line though the center.

1.       To speed _______ your entry, please bring your Admission Card with you.

A. up                         B. on

C. cut                        D. down

2.       More thunderstorms _______ in summer than any other time of the year.

A. happened                   B. have happened

C. happen                     D. will happen

3.       Experts say the space rock is probably _______ more than U.S.$30,000.

A. weighty                     B. costly

C. valuable                     D. worth. 

4.       Susan will come to watch him _______ at Wimbledon this week.

A. played                      B. play

C. to play                      D. playing

5.       Children don’t _______ understand what are reciting, but gradually it will have in impact on thinking.

A. played                       B. play

C. to play                       D. playing

6.       Every year, thousands of college students apply for the CCTV Cup English Speech _______.

A. Argument                     B. Quarrel

C. Debate                       D. Contest

7.  ________ shall we forget the day when we received the admission into Harvard University.

A. No time                      B. Never

C. No sooner                     D. Nonetheless

8.       The newly released movie was ________ as to arouse so much sensation among the young people.

A. No time                      B. Never

C. No sooner                     D. Nonetheless

9.       Today’s popular clothing chains ________ teenagers, who can be counted upon to change their tastes every 30 days.

A. resort to                       B. attend to

C. appeal to                       D. apply to

10.   here is going to be _______ time for people to assess whether or not we have made the right decision in this time of urgency.

A. sufficient                       B. additional

C. efficient                        D. consequent

Part Two   Reading  Comprehension


In this part there are three passages and one advertisement, each followed questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line though the center.

Questions 11—15 are based on the following passage:

The first ancient Olympics were held in 776 B.C. The games got their name from Olympia, the Greek city where they took place. Like the summer Olympics of today, the ancient Olympics were held every four years.

   Thousands of people from all over the Greek world came to watch. The main stadium held about 45,000 people. “We have accounts of visitor and pilgrims setting up tents all around the site.” Lisa Cerrato of Tufts University said.

During the first Olympics, there  was only one competition—a 200-meter race. But over time the games grew to include wrestling, chariot racing, boxing, and other sports. Women were not allowed to compete, but they had their own separate games.

“The ancient athlete became celebrities(名人), just like today. They often lived the rest of their lives being treated to free dinners.” Cerrato said, “City-states even tried to steal away each other’s athletes by offering them various awards.”

The ancient Olympics existed until A.D.393. But the modern Olympics are still going strong.

11.   Where did the ancient Greeks hold their first Olympics?

A. In Athens                      B. In Olympics

C. In a town                         D. In a state

12.   How did researchers know that ancient Greeks rushed to watch the Olympics?

A. Thousands of people came to watch.

B. The main stadium is still not big enough.

C. They have found the related record of events.

D. Many of them were visitor and pilgrims.

13.   What did women do since they were not allowed to participate in the Olympics?

A. They stayed at home doing nothing.

B. They organized protests in the city.

C. They had their own games.

D. They set up tents around the site.

14.   The ancient athletes must have felt honored when they ___________ .

A. completed in a 200-meter race.

B. wrestled with each other

C. read the accounts of the games

D. received the treatment of free dinners

15.   It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that __________ .

A. the ancient athletes liked to celebrate their victories

B. free dinners were offered during the competition

C. city-states competed with each other to win the Olympics

D. awards were often stolen to honor the athletes

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