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  北京·中国人民大学 郭崇兴

  07年考研英语尘埃落定。首先,小作文考信,大作文考图画,这都没有出我们的预料。 信十分简单,用老师的方法:先用中文列个题纲。




  Dear Sir Jan 20 2007

  I’m a student in our university and now,I would like to convey in this letter my frank suggestions to improve our library services to you.

  In the first place,if you open much earlier in the morning,for example,before 7:30 am,students would be able to avoid the chilly wind waiting outside.In the second place,if you provide students with hot water,they would feel grateful to you because it is both inconvenient and improper to drink cold water in winter.Last but not the least is that you should,if possible,buy more computer equipment so as to shorten the time of borrowing and returning books.

  It is my sincere belief that if you do sth as I have suggested above,it will not only benefit the students,but also do googd to the university faculty.

  Sincerely Yours Li Ming


  Here is a picture of a football match in which a goal keeper is standing in front of a goal,ready to protect it while a footballer is trying to kick the ball in.At the same time,the goal keeper is thinking:”How wide the goal is!How can I keep it?”while the footballer is thingking about what is contrary to this:”The goal keeper is so big that I nearly don’t’t have any chance of kicking in.”

  Obviously,as is shown in this cartoon,both of them don’t’t have enough confidence and if you have no confidence,how can you get your goal in life?!Losing one’s self-confidence before doing things can not merely affect your thoughts but also do harm to the actions you will take.

  For example,when I was in the middle school,once,our school basket ball team would play against another team which was very famous in our city and eveyone in our team felt that the only consequence would be our team’s failure.As a result,we didn’t even make any preparations beforehand.of course,the result was—we failed.One year later,we met the same team in a match again.This time,our teacher inspired us with confidence and hope.Then,we made a detailed plan and we practiced and out of everybody’s imagination,we finally won.So,our conclusion was—“Confidence is the first step to success!”


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