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来源:新航道 2009-1-10 20:37:34 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  Dear editors,

  I am a student form a university in Beijing. I am wrting this letter to offer some suggestions with regard to the unsuccessful banning on the use of plastic bags because people are still using those bags to pollute our environment.

  To begin with, our government should continue to exercise strict control over the production and abuse of plastic bags, punishing those who fail to obey relevant laws and regulations. What’s more, people should be educated from childhood to cultivate the awareness that we have only one planet and our natural resources are exhaustible. Last but not least, there shoule be some substitutes for plastic bags, such as bags made of paper or cloth which can be reused and degraded.

  I would be very grateful if you could take my suggestions into consideration. I am looking forward to your reply. Best wishes.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming

  (148 words)

  As is illustrated in the picture, people are all sitting in front of a computer and their working place is just like a spidernet. Obviously, the spidernet symbolizes the Internet and it is hard to say if the net is making people closer to each other or making them farther away from each other.

  This picture is vivd and humourous but asks us a serious question: is the Internet a blessing or a disaster? On the one hand, the Internet has brought us a lot of conveniences, such as making our work easier and making people more powerful. We can keep track of the world almost at any time and in any place. On the other hand, the development of computer science has given rise to some new problems. For example, people spend more and more time on computers and the traditional gatherings between family members and friends become dreams that are hard to come true for work on the computer seems to be endless and an occasional greeting through the Internet is prevailing among computer users. Therefore, the wide use of the Internet is to some extent another challenge that tests our wisdom and intelligence.

  In my opinion, any new invention is a bouble-blade sword and the Internet is no exception. If we know the limits and disadvantages it may have from the very beginning and use the inveventin in the right way, we will not be led by the nose and head for destrucion.

  (246 words)

