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87. In personal or psychological terms, this methodological perception is reflected in _______, whose leitmotive — the priority of existence over essence — is indeed simply another way of saying the same thing, and of showing how lived reality alters in function of the "choice" we make of it or the essences through which we interpret it: in other words, in function of the "model" through which we see and live the world.

88. His solution to this dilemma is ingenious: one may call it situational, or even phenomenological, in that it takes into account the concrete _______of speech as a "circuit of discourse," as a relationship between two speakers.

89. The movement of Saussure's thought may perhaps be articulated as follows: language is not an object, not a substance, but rather a _______ : thus language is a perception of identity.

90. The syntagmatic dimension, in other words, looks like a primary phenomenon only when we examine its individual units separately; then they seem to be organized successively in time according to some mode of_______ perception.

Division B: The fallowing is an incomplete passage. Fill each blank with one word only. You can choose any word from your vocabulary so long as it completes the sentence both in grammar and in meaning. For each correct completion, you will get one point (10%)

Perhaps it was the middle of January in the present that I first looked up and saw the mark on the wail. In order to fix a date it was necessary to remember what one 91 . So now I think of the fire; the steady 92 of yellow light upon the page of my book; the three chrysanthernums 93 the round glass bowl on the mantelpiece. Yes, it 94 have been the winter time, and we had just finished our tea, 95 I remember that I was smoking a cigarette when I looked up and saw the mark on the wall for the first time. I looked up 96 the smoke of my cigarette and my eye lodged for a 97 upon the burning coals, and that old fancy of the crimson flag _98 from me castle tower came into my mind, and I thought of the cavalcade of red knights riding up the side of the black rock. Rather to my 99 the sight of the mark interrupted the fancy, for it is an old fancy, an automatic fancy, made as a child perhaps. The mark was a small round mark, black upon the white wall, about six or seven inches 100 the mantelpiece.

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