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  美德 virtue

  自信 self-confident

  有抱负 ambitious; have aspirations; aim high

  有上进心 self-motivated; enterprising

  有判断力 have good judgment

  有分辨力 discerning

  有希望 promising

  有智慧 intelligent

  有毅力 persevering

  道德高尚 of high morality

  全面的 all-around (development)

  爱国的 demonstrate deep love for one’s own country; patriotic

  克服困难 overcome difficulties

  挑战自我 challenge oneself; push oneself to limits

  接受挑战 take challenges; rise to challenges

  实现自身价值 achieve self-worth
  素质教育 ethics education; character education

  助人为乐 helpful

  有爱心 caring


  正义感 sense of justice

  适应社会 adjust oneslef to a changing society

  建设和谐社会 build a harmonious society

  八荣八耻 ‘eight honors’ and ‘eight disgraces’

  以...为荣(deem it an honor to...)
  丑恶现象unseemly scene

  不和谐 disharmonious


  今天的结束语是:Success can be prepared(成功源于准备)。
  Section Ⅲ Writing

  Part A

  51. Directions:

  You have finished your college degree and are looking to start your career. Write a 100 word letter to a company you are interested in, applying for a job. Your letter should include:

  1) a description of your education to date;

  2) relevant work experience; and

  3) why you are interested in their company.


  To Whom It May Concern:

  I am a recent graduate of Peking University's English program. Throughout my time at PKU, I maintained a 4.0 grade point average, and was a member of many school clubs. Following my time at PKU I interned at Tobias Corp. I feel that I am highly qualified for the position available at your company. I am hardworking and dedicated to my tasks.

  I am particularly interested in your company. I have been following your progress for quite some time, and also have talked to a number of your employees. Your company comes highly recommended by everyone I have spoken to about it.

  Thank you for your time.

  Yours truly,

  Li Ming   

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