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来源:考试吧 2007-6-29 10:05:55 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场






Unit 15

It was a brief, shining moment in Egypt's history--a time of epochal change presided over by a Pharaoh named Akhenaten and his beautiful wife Nefertiti. During his 17-year reign the old gods were cast aside, monotheism was introduced, and the arts liberated from their stifling rigidity. Even Egypt's capital was moved to a new city along the Nile called Akhetaten (modern Amarna). But like Camelot, it was short-lived, and its legacy was buried in the desert sands.

Now Akhenaten's 3,400-year-old world has been brilliantly recalled in an exhibit titled "Pharaohs of the Sun: Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tutankhamen," which opens this week at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. Part of the city's eight-month tribute to ancient Egypt (operas, ballet and an IMAX film), it is a unique assemblage of more than 250 objects from Egypt's 18th dynasty, some of which have languished unseen in storerooms and private collections for decades. They range from larger-than-life statues of Akhenaten to exquisitely sculpted reliefs and dazzling jewelry to such poignant reminders of everyday life as a perfectly preserved child's sandal.

The exhibit illuminates a murky period in Egyptian history that curator Rita Freed describes as having "all the elements of a soap opera." When Amenhotep IV, as he was originally called, ascended the throne in 1353 B.C., Egypt was a flourishing empire, at peace with its neighbors. Yet there were troubling signs. His father Amenhotep III had already challenged the powerful priesthood by proclaiming the sun god Aten as foremost among Egyptian deities and himself as his living incarnation.

His son shook things up even more, not only changing his name to honor the new god (Akhenaten means "one who serves Aten") but also banishing the older gods, especially the priestly favorite Amen. Some scholars believe Akhenaten's monotheism, a historic first, inspired the Hebrew prophets, but it had the more immediate effect of freeing Egypt's artists. They could now portray the Pharaoh and the voluptuous Nefertiti (who may have shared the throne with him) in a far more casual, realistic way. Akhenaten's cone-shaped head, elongated face, fingers and toes, pot belly and flaring hips have led some scholars to suggest that he had hydrocephalus or Marfan's syndrome.

He was certainly a revolutionary, propelled either by madness or by great vision. Still, his changes did not endure. After his death, his son-in-law (and perhaps son) Tutankhamen moved the political and religious capitals back to Memphis and Thebes respectively and reinstated the old gods. Egyptian art returned to its classic, ritualized style. And like Camelot, Akhenaten's once bustling capital became only a mythic memory. "Pharaohs of the Sun" will remain in Boston until February, then travel to Los Angeles, Chicago and Leiden, the Netherlands.

注(1):本文选自Time;11/22/99, p78;
注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象2004年真题text 4;

1.       Which of the following event did not happen during Akhenaten’s reign over Egypt?

[A] He banished the older gods.
[B] People had to worship one god--- the sun god Aten.
[C] Egyptian artists suffered from a more casual, realistic way of portraying.
[D] He built a new capital along the Nile.

2.       We can learn from the text that in Boston, many activities are held as tribute to ancient
Egypt except ________.

[A] pageant
[B] ballet
[C] operas
[D] movie

3.       The views of Akhenaten and his father on the sun god Aten are _____.

[A] opposite
[B] controversial
[C] complementary
[D] similar

4.       Tutankhamen, according to the text, probably ________.

[A] moved the political capital back to Thebes
[B] gave the older gods back their previous position
[C] might had got some disease that made his face longer than the healthy people
[D] moved the religious capital back to Memphis

5.       What can we learn about the exhibit on ancient Egypt’s 18th dynasty?

[A] It mainly consists of statues of the pharaohs of that time.
[B] It will last for eight months in Boston.
[C] It is very enlightening for people to know that period.
[D] The objects on the exhibit used to be stored in private collection.



epochal: [] adj. 划时代的
monotheism: [] n. 一神论
languish: [] v. 持续不前;毫无进展
poignant: [] adj. 深刻的;伤感的
murky: []] adj. 昏暗的;不明朗的
curator: [] n.(美术馆)馆长
incarnation: [] n. 化身
banish: [] v. 抛弃;废除
voluptuous: [] adj. 妖冶的;性感的
hydrocephalus: [] n. 脑积水
Camelot: [] 传说中的地名,在英格兰西南部,阿瑟和他的武士们曾居住于此

1. Part of the city’s eight-month tribute to ancient Egypt (operas, ballet and an IMAX film), it is a unique assemblage of more than 250 objects from Egypt’s 18th dynasty, some of which have languished unseen in storerooms and private collections for decades.( Line 3, Paragraph 2)
主体句式:it is a unique assemblage…
结构分析:这是一个包含同位语和定语从句的长简单句。其中 “Part of the city’s…”是主语it(指展览)的同位语,定语从句  “some of which have ….”修饰名词 objects。
2. They range from large-than-life statues of Akhenaten to exquisitely sculpted reliefs and dazzling jewelry to such poignant reminders of everyday life as a perfectly preserved child’s sandal.
主体句式: They range from … to … and … to such … as …

1.答案是C, 属事实细节题。第一段提到“liberated from their stifling rigidity”,解放了埃及艺术, 第四段提到“They could portray … in a far more casual, realistic way”, 使艺术家可以更真实随意的画像,而不是束缚他们。
2. 答案是A, 属事实细节题。第二段提到庆祝形式有operas, ballet 和an IMAX film, 未提pageant。
4. 答案是B, 属事实细节题。从最后一段“Tutankhamen moved the political and religious capitals back to Memphis and Thebes respectively and reinstated the old gods.”可以看出。注意respectively的意思是“分别”。另外,得脑积水的是Akhenaten.
5. 答案是C,属事实细节题。从第二段可知展品的具体情况。从最后一句可知展览持续到明年二月份。





Unit 16
Amy High is decked out in the traditional pink dress and golden stole of ancient Rome. She bursts into a third-grade classroom and greets her students: "Salvete, omnes!" (Hello, everyone!) The kids respond in kind, and soon they are studying derivatives. "How many people are in a duet?" High asks. All the kids know the answer, and when she asks how they know, a boy responds, "Because duo is 'two' in Latin." High replies, "Plaudite!" and the 14 kids erupt in applause. They learn the Latin root later, or side, and construct such English words as bilateral and quadrilateral. "Latin's going to open up so many doors for you," High says. "You're going to be able to figure out the meaning of words you've never seen before."

High teaches at Providence Elementary School in Fairfax City, Va., which has a lot riding on the success of her efforts. As part of Virginia's high-stakes testing program, schools that don't boost their scores by the year 2007 could lose state funding. So Fairfax City, just 18 miles southwest of the White House, has upgraded its two crumbling elementary schools with new high-tech television studios, computer labs and one very old feature--mandatory Latin.

Here lies one of the more counterintuitive developments of the standardized-testing movement: Though some critics complain that teachers are forced to dumb down their lessons and "teach to the test," some schools are offering more challenging course work as a way of engaging students. In the past three years, scores of elementary schools in high-stakes testing states such as Texas, Virginia and Massachusetts have added Latin programs. Says Allen Griffith, a member of the Fairfax City school board: "If we're trying to improve English skills, teaching Latin is an awfully effective, proved method."

This is not your father's Latin, which was taught to elite college-bound high schoolers and drilled into them through memorization. Its tedium and perceived irrelevance almost drove Latin from public schools. Today's growth in elementary school Latin has been spurred by new, interactive oral curriculums, enlivened by lessons in Roman mythology and culture. "One thing that makes it engaging for kids is the goofy fun of investigating these guys in togas," says Marion Polsky, author of First Latin: A Language Discovery Program, the textbook used in Fairfax City.

Latin enthusiasts believe that if young students learn word roots, they will be able to decipher unfamiliar words. (By some estimates, 65% of all English words have Latin roots.) Latin is an almost purely phonetic language. There are no silent letters, and each letter represents a single sound. That makes it useful in teaching reading. And once kids master the grammatical structure of Latin--which is simple, logical and consistent--they will more easily grasp the many grammatical exceptions in English.

注(1):本文选自Time;12/11/2000, p61;
注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象2002年真题text 4;

1.       From the first Paragraph we learn that _____.

[A] the students show little interest in learning Latin
[B] the students say hello to their teacher in Latin
[C] Amy High teaches the students to read Bible in Latin
[D] learning English is unnecessary if you have perfectly mastered Latin

2.       Which of the following statements is not true according to the text?

[A] The testing program is crucial to the schools.
[B] Latin is compulsory to the elementary schools students in Fairfax City.
[C] Providence Elementary School will not get state funding this year.
[D] Fairfax City government had done a lot to equip its elementary schools.

3.       According to Allen Griffith, Latin _______.

[A] has little to do with English
[B] is very helpful to one’s learning English
[C] will replace English in the near future
[D] should be taught to kids even when they are in elementary school

4.       Which of the following best defines the word “plaudite”?

[A] Great.
[B] Sorry.
[C] Class is over.
[D] Sad.

5.       One reason for Latin enthusiasts to support young students’ learning Latin is _______.

[A] Latin has a longer history than English
[B] Latin has less word roots
[C] every letter in English word represent a single sound
[D] it is easier to grasp Latin grammar



deck: [] v. 装饰,点缀
stole: [] n. 披肩
high-stake adj. 高风险的
mandatory: [] adj. 强制的,命令的
dumb down 简单化
goofy: [] adj. 好玩的
toga: [] n. (古罗马男子穿的)宽松长袍
decipher: [] v. 解释

So Fairfax City, just 18 miles southwest of the White house, has upgraded its two crumbling elementary schools with new high-tech television studios, computer labs and one very old feature--- mandatory Latin.
主体句式:Fairfax City has upgraded its elementary schools…
结构分析:这是一个包含同位语的简单句。句子主干是“Fairfax City… has upgraded its …schools with….”

1.答案是B, 属事实细节题。从第一段可看出学生对拉丁语很感兴趣。”in kind” 的意思是“同样的”。
2.答案是C,属事实细节题。细读第二段可发现所有细节。“high-stake” 指“高风险的”,有可能失去很多,也有可能得到很多; “mandatory”指“强制的,命令的”。
3.答案是B,属推理判断题。从“If we’re trying to improve English skills, teaching Latin is an awfully effective, proved method.” 可以清楚知道他的看法。
4.答案是A,属猜测意义题。从“…the 14 kids erupt in applause” 可以看出他答对了,老师应该是表扬他。

艾米•海身着古罗马传统的粉色外套,金色披肩,冲进三年级教室和学生打招呼: “Salvete, omnes!” (大家好!)学生们也用同样的语言向她问好,然后他们开始学习派生词。“Duet指几个人?”海问道。孩子们都知道答案, 海问他们怎么知道。一个男孩答到:“因为拉丁语duo意思是‘两个’”。“真棒!”海说道。14个孩子使劲鼓掌。他们又学了拉丁词根later(意思是“边”),并且组成了英语单词bilateral(双边的)和 quadrilateral(四边的)。“拉丁语会为你们打开许多扇门”, 海说,“即使你碰到从未见过的词,你也能猜出它的意思。”




Unit 17
His bio reads like a rock star's. A precocious talent, he never married because, he said, it would have hurt his career. But he moved his girlfriend in with him while he worked his last gig--then died at the age of 37 from a fever brought on, some said, by carnal excess. The great painter Raphael (1483-1520) was one of the big three of Italy's high Renaissance, along with Leonardo da Vinci (whose work he admired and studied closely) and Michelangelo (with whom he carried on a vigorous, if all too brief, competition to be the Vatican's favorite artist). He didn't seem, however, to have a superstar's attitude. The pope was his patron, and acquaintances described him as "sensible," "well mannered," "genial" and "sweet." On his deathbed, he bequeathed his mistress enough money to live "honorably" for the rest of her life. And he painted her portrait--one of the great paintings of all time, right up there with the "Mona Lisa"--as a final, loving tribute.

At least that's how the legend goes. That portrait--which is touring the United States for the first time--constitutes a one-picture exhibition at the Frick Collection in New York through Jan. 30 (it will travel to Houston and Indianapolis). Certainly, "La Fornarina" ("baker's daughter") comes from the hand of the incomparable Raphael. The gently tilting composition is perfect, the color finely balanced and the lady's skin alabaster and flawless. (Raphael got so good with the then new medium of oil paint that his technique became known as sprezzatura, meaning, roughly, to hide with technical facility exactly how anything is done.) In the classic Venus gesture of simultaneously trying to cover up and to showcase her erotic attributes (including a belly button under gauze), she glances coyly to the side at, one presumes, a lover. "La Fornarina," the renowned art historian and MacArthur fellow Leo Steinberg explains, "is the closest thing to soft porn in the high Renaissance." But whether the seminude lady depicted is actually the baker's daughter who was Raphael's love remains a mystery.

Is Raphael himself the object of her gaze? Most people--including several British critics reviewing the big Raphael exhibition currently at the National Gallery in London--like to think so. Since live women models weren't generally available five centuries ago, the reasoning goes, the lady's posing undressed for Raphael must have been an intimate act. Besides, what else can the artist's proprietary name on her armband mean? But the experts remain divided. With a fine disregard for attendance-boosting hype, Rome museums commissioner Claudio Strinati ("La Fornarina" usually resides at the Palazzo Barberini in Rome) lays out a less titillating hypothesis in a booklet accompanying the Frick display.

A recent cleaning of the painting reveals a wedding ring on the lady's left hand; Raphael's final and most prominent patron, the Sienese banker Agostino Chigi, had just been married to one Francesca Ardeasca. Raphael's name on the armband, Strinati says, is a tribute to Chigi. He concludes that "La Fornarina" is Ardeasca. Unfortunately, no other portraits of Chigi's bride exist to confirm the ID. As Steinberg says, "It's all an attractive myth, and like all myths it depends for interpretation on levels of reliable gossip." Whatever one believes, "La Fornarina" is still a sweetheart of a painting.

注(1):本文选自Newsweek;12/13/2004, p68-68;
注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象2002年真题text 3;

1.       The mystery of the woman lies in her ______.

[A] beauty
[B] unknown identity
[C] seminude body
[D] intimate relationship with Raphael

2.       It can be inferred from the text that ______.

[A] Raphael behaved like a superstar
[B] Raphael died young because of overwork
[C] Raphael enjoyed greater popularity than Michelangelo
[D] one of his paintings achieves as great fame as “Mona Lisa”.

3.       The vivid descriptions of the painting “La Fornarina” show that _____.

[A] Raphael is good at soft porn
[B] Raphael develops a special feeling towards the baker’s daughter.
[C] oil paint was not popular then
[D] Raphael’s painting technique has reached maturity in the painting

4.       We can draw a conclusion from the third paragraph that______.

[A] there is sound evidence to believe there exists an intimacy between Raphael and the woman in the painting
[B] live women models were nowhere to find in Raphael’s time
[C] nude models were easily available in Italy in Renaissance
[D] it is generally agreed between experts that the woman is Raphael’s mistress

5.       From the text, we can see that the writer _____.

[A] shows curiosity towards the identity of the woman in the painting
[B] is a Renaissance art historian
[C] strongly support the idea that “La Fornarina” is one of Raphael’s mistress
[D] thinks low of Raphael’s technique in the painting


precocious: [] adj. 早熟的
gig: [] n. 为生计而做的工作
carnal: [] adj. 肉体的;性的
genial: [] adj. 和蔼可亲的
bequeath:[] v. 遗赠
alabaster: [] adj. (皮肤)光滑细腻的
erotic: [] adj.  挑逗的;性感的
gauze:[] n. 薄纱
proprietary: [] adj. 专有的;所属的
titillate: [] v. 挑逗,使人兴奋

1.       The gently tilting composition is perfect, the color finely balanced and the lady’s skin
alabaster and flawless.
主体句式:the …composition is perfect, the color … balanced and … skin alabaster and flawless.
结构分析:这句后半句是独立主格结构。分别在“finely”和 “skin”后省略了“is”。
2.       In the Venus gesture of simultaneously trying to cover up and to showcase her erotic attributes (including a belly button under gauze), she glances coyly to the side at, one presumes, a lover.
主体句式:she glances … to the side at … a lover.
结构分析:这句话中,“cover up” 和“showcase”并列,它们的宾语是“erotic attributes”;主句中“one presume”是插入语。  

3.答案是D,属推理判断题。对这幅油画精品的细致描写只有一个目的,就是展示的天才般的绘画技巧。从第二段“Raphael got so good with the then new medium of oil paint that his technique became known as….”一句中可以读出。



拉斐尔是不是她凝视的对象?大部分人都乐于这样想,包括几名正在伦敦国家美术馆研究拉斐尔作品的批评家们。理由是,五百年前,女模特还不普遍。从画中女子半裸的姿态可以推断出她和拉斐尔关系非常亲密。而且,画家的名字出现在她的袖带上还有别的意思吗:但有些专家对此持有不同意见。罗马博物馆主管克劳第奥•斯提纳地(《福尔娜瑞娜》平时收藏在罗马的Palazzo Barberini美术馆)就不理会媒体大肆报导的观众蜂拥而入的盛况,他在弗瑞克展览会上发放的一本小册子提出了一个不那么令人浮想联翩的假设。



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