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28. Why is inventory control so important?
A. It is essential for controlling costs.
B. It can lead to an executive position.
C. It helps companies overproduce.
D. It requires little or no training.

29. Why are computers important in distribution?
A. They can accurately report on inventory.
B. They provide good training in computer programming.
C. They make it easier for managers to supervise people.
D. They train people for executive positions.

30. What is this passage mainly talking about?
   A. The use of computers for sale of products
   B. The distribution step in the marketing process
   C. Cost control in inventory of a product
   D. Wholesale and retail chains of a product

Part Three Cloze


    There are ten blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

    On a four-day trip to Ethiopia, I had a dream. In my dream, I saw two men, one older and one younger, facing one another against a background of temples and pyramids. The father was speaking as he performed the oil ceremony for his son. I became excited in the possibility of performing a visiting ceremony (31)______ my son in Africa. For the next six days I privately wondered what (32)______ to use in such a cere­mony. Gradually the words (33)_______ me. By the time we arrived in Cairo, I was ready. I told my son that there was a ceremony I wanted to (34)_____ him in the tombs in Egypt. His eyes shone with (35)_______. But I wondered if he would still be receptive after my next statement. In the dream I remembered that the son was oiled, as it (36)______, with a dry substance. I took this to mean that powder (37)________ oil was used. But what powder? I ruled out ground grass and flowers, and finally settled on sand. Sand represents the Sahara, and sand also (38)_____ the remains of the ancient people of Egypt. ‘That made philosophical (39)_____ to me, but in the real world, young adults or almost anybody for that matter, (40)______ disinclined to have sand poured on their hair.

31.  A.  for         B.  and       C.  as         D.  with

32.  A.  words       B.  word      C.  tongue        D.  language

33.  A.  brought to     B.  went to    C.  came to     D.  arrived to

34.  A.  go with   B.  enjoy with  C.  take with    D.  perform with

35.  A.  anticipation   B.  tremble    C.  horror        D.  terror

36.  A.  is            B.  were      C.  being          D.  was

37.  A.  rather than    B.  other than   C.  that was     D.  rather too

38.  A.  lie      B.  imply     C.  lay        D.  contains

39.  A.  name       B.  sense     C.  reputation       D.  beauty

40.  A.  are        B.  is     C.  was           D. were



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