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Section Ⅰ Use of English

  Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

  There is virtually no limit to how one can serve community interests, from spending a few hours a week with some charitable organization to practically full-time work for a social agency. Just as there are opportunities for voluntary service 1 (VSO) for young people before they take up full-time employment, 2 there are opportunities for overseas service for 3 technicians in developing countries. Some people, 4 those who retire early, 5 their technical and business skills in countries 6 there is a special need.

  So in considering voluntary or 7 community service, there are more opportunities than there 8 were when one first began work. Most voluntary organizations have only a small full-time 9 , and depend very much on volunteers and part-timers. This means that working relationships are different from those in commercial organizations, and values may be different. 10 some ways they may seem more casual and less efficient, but one should not 11 them by commercial criteria. The people who work with them do so for different reasons and with different 12 , both personal and 13 . One should not join them 14 to arm them with professional experience; they must be joined with commitment to the 15 , not business efficiency. Because salaries are 16 or non-existent many voluntary bodies offer modest expense. But many retired people take part in community service for 17 , simply because they enjoy the work.

  Many community activities possible 18 retirement were also possible during one's working life but they are to be undertaken 19 seriously for that. Retired people who are just looking for something different or unusual to do should not consider 20 community service.

  1. [A] oversea [B] over sea[C] over seas [D] overseas

  2. [A] as [B] so [C] then [D] that

  3. [A] quantity [B] qualifying [C] quality [D] qualified

  4. [A] partially [B] partly [C] particularly [D] passionately

  5. [A] order [B] operate [C] offer [D] occupy

  6. [A] which [B] where [C] as [D] that

  7. [A] paying [B] paid [C] to be paid [D] pay

  8. [A] before [B] lately [C] never [D] ever

  9. [A] team [B] number [C] staff [D] crowd

  10. [A] In [B] By [C] With [D] Through

  11. [A] look at [B] comment [C] enjoy [D] judge

  12. [A] subjective [B] subject [C] objectives [D] objects

  13. [A] organization [B] organizational [C] organized [D] organizing

  14. [A] expecting [B] to expect [C] being expected [D] expected

  15. [A] course [B] cause [C] case [D] caution

  16. [A] little [B] small [C] large [D] big

  17. [A] free [B] freedom [C] money [D] something

  18. [A] before [B] on [C] in [D] at

  19. [A] much [B] very much [C] no more [D] no less

  20. [A] to be taken [B] to take [C] taking [D] being taken

  Section ⅡReading Comprehension

  Part A


  Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

  Text 1

  A class action lawsuit has been filed against a prominent Toronto doctor, by patients who allege he injected a banned substance into their faces for cosmetic purposes. The doctor had already been investigated more than three years ago for using the liquid silicone, a product not authorized for use in Canada.

  Some patients say they are now suffering health problems and think the liquid silicone may be to blame. One of those patients is Anna Barbiero. She says her Toronto dermatologist told her he was using liquid silicone to smooth out wrinkles. What she says he didn't tell her is that it isn't approved for use in Canada. “I didn't know what liquid silicone was and he just called it ‘liquid gold'.” Barbiero remembers. After her last treatment, Anna discovered Dr. Sheldon Pollack had been ordered to stop using the silicone two years earlier by Health Canada. Experts say silicone can migrate through the body, and cause inflammation and deformities.

  “My upper lip is always numb and it burns,” Barbiero says. Barbiero is spearheading a lawsuit against the doctor, who her lawyer thinks might involve up to 100 patients injected with the same material. “The fact, a physician of his stature would use an unauthorized product on a patient because he thought it was okay, is really very disturbing, ”says lawyer Douglas Elliott.
  Ontario's College of Physicians and Surgeons (OCPS) is also investigating Dr. Pollack to see if, in fact, he continued to use the silicone after agreeing to stop and whether he wrote in patient records that he used another legal product when he had used silicone. However, in a letter to the College, Dr. Pollack wrote that he had always told patients that the silicone was not approved for sale in Canada, and had warned them of the risks. And in Barbiero's case, “…… at the time of her first visit, prior to her ever receiving IGLS treatment, I specifically informed her that the material was not approved for sale in Canada by the Health Protection Branch and that I did receive the material from outside the country …… I would like to emphasize that, as is evident on Ms. Barbiero's chart, I drew a specific diagram on the chart which I carefully discussed with and explained to Ms. Barbiero as I do with every other patient to explain the nature and likelihood of possible complications and the reasons and consequences of those possible complications.”

  Dr. Pollack declined to speak to CTV News, or to have his lawyer discuss the case. None of the allegations have been proven in court. But the case raises questions about the ability of governing bodies to monitor doctors. “There's a larger message and that is: buyer beware,” says Nancy Neilsen of Cosmetic Surgery Canada. “It's incumbent on consumers to do their research.”






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