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  Part II

  Vocabulary (30')

  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C),and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  21. He a sum of money every month for his old age.

  A) sets back

  B) sets up

  C) sets down

  D) sets aside

  22. His handwriting is,which makes other people hard to know what he really means.

  A) illegitimate

  B) illegible

  C) illegal

  D) illiterate

  23. The main road through Salisbury was blocked for two hours today after an accident 3 vehicles.

  A) containing

  B) significant

  C) involving

  D) including

  24. On small farm in a dry climate one should not grow crops that need space and a lot of water to ripen.

  A) considerable

  B) significant

  C) considerate

  D) extensive

  25. Unfortunately he could not the danger at that time.

  A) prepare

  B) presume

  C) perceive

  D) prevail

  26. When replying to this advertisement, please a stamped addressed envelope.

  A) present

  B) enclose

  C) contain

  D) attach

  27. Tom and Mary were full of as they talked of their holiday plans.

  A) frustration

  B) gratitude

  C) presentation

  D) stimulation

  28. The elegant decorations the gym into a starlit ballroom.

  A) reverted

  B) transformed

  C) sustained

  D) interrupted 29. Please yourself from smoking and spitting in public places, since the law forbids them. A) restrain

  B) hinder

  C) restrict

  D) prohibit

  30. If the diver is in deep water, he must come to the surface in order to allow his body to

  the change in pressure.

  A) alert

  B) adopt

  C) improve

  D) adjust

  31. Two criminals had escaped from the city prison and have been so far.

  A) at length

  B) at large

  C) at least

  D) at once

  32. If your coat is too large, the tailor can it to fit you.

  A) alter

  B) change

  C) convert

  D) modify

  33. High in the sky a of birds was flying southward.

  A) collection

  B) school

  C) flock

  D) swarm

  34. The plane was for two hours because of the heavy fog.

  A) delayed

  B) canceled

  C) postponed

  D) dismissed

  35. It's usually the case that people seldom behave in a way when in a furious state.

  A) responsible

  B) reliable

  C) rational

  D) conscious

  36. The report on the Canadian scientist's research stated that his to biology are original and of the greatest importance.

  A) contributions

  B) distributions

  C) contradictions

  D) constructions

  37. She was very tired,and in no for dancing.

  A) spirit

  B) temper

  C) feeling

  D) mood 38. The lack of goods, services and household aids, caused by the country's concentration on heavy industry at the of consumer goods, affected women more than men.

  A) charge

  B) expense

  C) value

  D) decrease

  39. When asked about the missing watch, the boy having taken it.

  A) refused

  B) denied

  C) objected

  D) rejected

  40. The for the computer programming course will amount to about $370.

  A) fare

  B) tutor

  C) guide

  D) tuition

  41. She prefers to have her left photographed; she says that's her better side.

  A) profile

  B) privacy

  C) veil

  D) prototype

  42. This book contains a (n) of words which are comparatively seldom used now.

  A) altitude

  B) latitude

  C) multitude

  D) attitude 43. Some people are to politics and what is going on in other places.

  A) keen

  B) sympathetic

  C) indifferent

  D) curious

  44. There are more and more customers who like to about prices when buying goods.

  A) debate

  B) consult

  C) dispute

  D) bargain

  45. What was the doctor's of your aunt's chest pains?

  A) analysis

  B) diagnosis

  C) dialogue

  D) synthesis

  46. When they saw the pile of paper on the teacher's desk, the class made the that they would have written work.

  A) reference

  B) preference

  C) conference

  D) inference

  47. To look at something is to try to find faults with it.

  A) strictly

  B) critically

  C) unfairly

  D) roughly

  48. Occasionally I read a passage or sentence over and over just to let the beauty of its construction in.

  A) soak

  B) sink

  C) suck

  D) stick

  49. The only miner who the disaster was still in a serious condition.

  A) suffered

  B) survived

  C) succeeded

  D) faced

  50. In general' the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth of the total for living expenses.

  A) acceptable

  B) advisable

  C) available

  D) applicable


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