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  iii.标音。用国际音标标出下列单词中划线字母或字母组合的读音,并将答案写在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共20小题,每小题0.5分,共1 0分)(注意:使用新式或老式音标均可)

  31. style  32. miracle

  33. secretly  34. strap

  35. response  36. retain

  37. fingernail  38. reserve

  39. jail  40. announce

  41. assure  42. pierce

  43. awkward  44. mourn

  45. unaware  46. cleanse

  47. fascinate  48. reassuring

  49. giant  50. continuous

  iv.完形填空。将答案写在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共20小题,每小题0.5分,共 10分)














  bill grant was a famous american newspaper editor. he worked for the same newspaper from 1926 through 1968. he 51 as a clerk but by 1948 he had become the editor, 52 was the position he held until he retired.

  bill wrote his first story for the newspaper 53 the day the new york stock market crashed in 1929. two of the newspaper’s writers 54 thirty miles away from town 55 into an airplane crash and the other was in san francisco investigating chinatown. when the 56 of the stock market crash came into the office bill immediately sat down and write up the story. the editor liked it so much that he used the story 57 making any change in it. after that the editor decided that bill should be a writer, not a 58.

  after this first story bill became especially interested in financial news, though he wrote stories on just about everything. in 1945 he 59 five months in europe and wrote stories about the end of world war ii.

  one of bill’s greatest moments came in 1946. a story he had written about the war 60 the national newspaperman’s award. bill took the prize but gave all the credit to his editor.


  two men walked slowly, one after another, through the shallow water of a stream. 61 they could see were stones and earth. the 62 ran cold over their feet. they had blanket packs 63 their backs. suddenly, the man who followed 64 over a stone. he hurt his foot badly and called: “hey, bill, i’ve hurt my foot.” bill 65 straight on without looking back. the man was 66 in the empty land, but he was not lost. he knew the way to their camp, where he would find food and bullets. he struggled to his 67 and limped on. bill would be waiting for him there, and 68 they would go south to the hudson bay company. he had not eaten for days. often he 69 to pick some small berries and put them into his 70. the berries were tasteless, and did not satisfy, but he knew he must eat them.


  71. according to the text “the time message”, time is dangerous because if you don’t make it work for you, it will ______.

  72. the writing of a dictionary is not a task of setting up ruling statements about the “true meaning” of words, but a task of ______ to authors in the distant or immediate past.

  73. according to the author of”happiness”, happiness is a continuous process of honest, productive work which makes a real contribution to others and makes you ______.

  74. in “the mystery of the silver box”, mr. grayson turned to the thinking machine for help because his business plans ______ almost as soon as he had made them.

  75. in the text “remembering tracy bill”, tracy’s liver ______ david, who was suffering from an incurable liver disease.

  76. in “the story of an hour”, when louise mallard first heard that her husband had died in a train accident she was heart broken, but later she realized that ______.

  77. in “detective on the trail”, bob sugg’s favorite part of the newspaper was ______.

  78. in”the day i was fat”, the author was abused by a teenager in a parking lot. ironically, the teenager’s words helped the author ______ as well as her figure.

  79. according to the author of”the emotional bank account—secrets of happy families”, the emotional bank account is like a financial bank account in one way: you can make “deposits” or you can make “withdrawals”. here “deposits” refer to ______.

  80. in “the outside chance”, the narrator was only interested in ______ in tomorrow’s newspaper, but he ignored the news about the factory disaster in selby.












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