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  35. The Jazz Age of the 1920s characterized by frivolity and carelessness is brought vividly to life in_______.

  A. The Great Gatsby                              B. The Sun Also Rises

  C. The Grapes of Wrath                         D. Tales of the Jazz Age

  36. Guided by the principle of adhering to the truthful treatment of life, the American _______ introduced industrial workers and farmers, ambitious businessmen and vagrants, prostitutes and unheroic soldiers as major characters in fiction.

  A. romanticists                                         B. modernists

  C. psychologists                                       D. realists

  37. The American literary spokesman of the Jazz Age is often acclaimed to be_______.

  A. Henry James                                       B. Robert Frost

  C. William Faulkner                                 D.F. Scott Fitzgerald

  38. By writing Moby - Dick, _______ reached the most flourishing stage of his literary creativity.

  A. Herman Melville                                 B. Edgar Ellen Poe

  C. William Faulkner                                 D. Theodore Dreiser

  39. Faulkner once said that _____ is a story of “lost innocence,” which proves itself to be an intensification of the theme of imprisonment in the past.

  A. Light in August                                   B. The Sound and the Fur y

  C. Absalom, Absalom!                             D. The Hamlet

  40. Hawthorne was not a Puritan himself, but his view of man and human history origina ted, to a great extent, in_______.

  A. Calvinism                                              B. Puritanism

  C. Realism                                                  D. Naturalism


  Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension (16 points in all, 4 for each)

  Read the quoted parts carefully and answer the questions in English. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.

  41. Behold her, single in the field,

  Yon solitary Highland lass!

  Reaping and singing by herself;

  Stop here, or gently pass!

  Alone she cuts and binds the grain,

  And sings a melancholy strain;

  O listen! For the Vale profound

  Is overflowing with the sound.


  A. Identify the poet.

  B. What’ s the rhyme scheme for the stanza?

  C. What’s the theme of the poem?

  42. The following quotation is from Mrs. Warren’s Profession:

  VIVIE: [ intensely interested by this time] No; but why did you choose that business?

  Saving money and good management will succeed in any business.

  MRS. WARREN: Yes, saving money. But where can a woman get the money to save in any other business? Could you save out of four shillings a week and keep yourself dressed as well? Not you. Of course, if you’ re a plain woman and cant earn anything more ; or if you have a turn for music, or the stage, or newspaper - writing ; that’s different...

  Questions :

  A. Identify the playwright of the above quotation.

  B. What business do you think Mrs. Warren is involved in?

  C. What's the theme of the play?

  43. My little horse must think it queer

  To stop without a farmhouse near

  Between the woods and frozen lake

  The darkest evening of the year.


  A. Identify the poet and the title of the poem from which this stanza is taken.

  B. What figure of speech is used in this stanza?

  C. Briefly interpret the meaning of this stanza.

  44. “Where are we going, Dad?” Nick asked.

  “Over to the Indian camp. There is an Indian lady very sick. ”

  “Oh,” said Nick.

  Across the bay they found the other boat beached. Uncle George was smoking a cigar in the dark. The young Indian pulled the boat way up on the beach. Uncle George gave both the Indians cigars.

  Questions :

  A. Identify the author and the title of the work from which the passage is taken.

  B. What does Dad imply when he says “There is an Indian lady very sick”?

  C. Why is Dad going to the Indian camp?

  Ⅲ. Questions and Answers (24 points in all, 6 for each)

  Give a brief answer to each of the following 9uestions in English. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.

  45. What’ s the literary style of Shelley as a Romantic poet?

  46. What are the main features of Bernard Shaw’s plays with regard to the theme, charac-terization and plot?

  47. Henry James’ literary criticism is an indispensable part of his contribution to literature. What’s his outlook in literary criticiam?

  48. Local colorism is a unique variation of American literary realism. Who is the most famous local colorist? What are local colorists most concerned?

  IV. Topic Discussion(20 points in all, 10 for each)

  Write no less than 150 words on each of the following topics in English in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.

  49. Define modernism in English literature. Name two major modernistic British writers and list one major work by each.

  50. Briefly discuss the term “The Lost Generation”and name the leading figures of this literary movement (Give at least three).

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