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2000年4月水平考试(二)试题(听力部分) (北京)

[听力部分] (1)

Listening Comprehension

Part A
In this section of the test, you will hear 10 short statements. When you hear each statement, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D, and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then, on the ANSWER SHEET, find the number of the question and mark your choice of answer. (20%)

1. A.The speaker is expressing a request.
    B.The speaker is offering help.
    C.The speaker is giving advice.
    D.The speaker is showing indifference.

2. A.They got the best seats.
    B.They got the last two seats.
    C.They got the first two seats in the last row.
    D.Only they two got the seats.

3. A.John has been skating longer than he has been skiing.
    B.John has stopped skiing.
    C.John now likes skiing better than skating.
    D.John now likes to skate more than to ski.

4. A.The house was not on fire.
    B.There wasn't any damage at all.
    C.They didn't manage to stop the fire.
    D.They stopped the fire in time.

5. A.He went out last night and received my phone call.
    B.He didn't receive my phone call because he went out last night.
    C.He didn't go out last night and received my phone call.
    D.He didn't go out last night and didn't receive my phone call.

6. A.At first, Peter didn't agree with his friend.
    B.Peter's friend demanded that Peter stop arguing.
    C.Peter never listened to his friend's demands.
    D.Peter's friend changed his mind after the argument.

7. A.Fortune always comes slowly.
    B.Seize the day, seize the hour.
    C.Success will never come without hard work.
    D.Don't expect that success is certain until it actually happens.

8. A.Workers couldn't repair more bicycles.
    B.Workers were required to repair more bicycles.
    C.More bicycles were repaired than necessary.
    D.Workers should repair more bicycles if they can.

9. A.I think her presentation was quite different, don't you?
    B.Don't you think she gave a regional presentation?
    C.Wouldn't you agree her recitation was very original?
    D.I think a presentation must be original, don't you?

10.A.The moment I saw the television, I remembered the brand.
    B.I couldn't recall the brand of the television.
    C.For the moment I couldn't remember where I had seen the television.
    D.The television was unfamiliar to me.

Part B

In this section, you will hear 20 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a third voice will ask a question about what was said and the question is not written out for you. Read the four possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on the ANSWER SHEET, find the number of the question and mark your choice of answer. (60%)

11.A.Doctor and patient.
    B.Professor and student.
    C.Bus conductor and passenger.
    D.Customer and waitress.

12.A.Leave for home.
    B.Go to the doctor.
    C.Take a rest.
    D.Go to bed.

13.A.She is asking for directions.
    B.She is giving directions.
    C.She is making a suggestion.
    D.She is making a request.

14.A.He wants to become an English major.
    B.He wants to apply for a job.
    C.He wants to discuss a career in teaching.
    D.He wants to take her course.

15.A.Make a detour.
    B.Get the car repaired.
    C.Come to supper on Saturday.
    D.Bring fruit to the picnic.

16.A.He's asking directions.
    B.He's giving directions.
    C.He's asking for advice.
    D.He's giving advice.

17.A.She was ill.
    B.She was busy with her work.
    C.She was held up by the traffic.
    D.She was invited out to dinner.

18.A.Professor Carter talks too fast.
    B.Professor Carter likes to use idioms.
    C.Professor Carter doesn't come to the point.
    D.Professor Carter likes to show off.

19.A.Around 8:00 p.m.
    B.Around 9:00 p.m.
    C.Around 9:30 p.m.
    D.Around 10:00 p.m.

20.A.She will buy the green coat.
    B.She will try on the coat.
    C.She will try on the shoes.
    D.She will continue looking around.

21.A.A part-time job.
    B.Library hours.
    C.The museum schedule.
    D.School hours.


23.A.Jack bores her.
    B.Parties bore her.
    C.She wants to go.
    D.She's too tired to go.

24.A.Stay outside longer.
    B.Leave the gate open.
    C.Give up on George.
    D.Wait in the building.

25.A.He is making a request.
    B.He is complaining.
    C.He is asking the time.
    D.He is asking for information.

26.A.The man is an exceptional student and will write the exam for the class.
    B.The student's request will be granted.
    C.The student will probably not be able to complete the course.
    D.Circumstances will not permit the student to take the make-up exam.

27.A.He's a carpenter.
    B.He's a plumber.
    C.He's an electrician.
    D.He's an interior decorator.

28.A.Catch up with her reading.
    B.Go hiking with her friend.
    C.Stay at home and do her exercise.
    D.Rest and take care of herself.

29.A.Take four pills.
    B.Take eight pills.
    C.Take the doctor's advice.
    D.Hesitate to take any pills.

30.A.She arrived at the subway station late.
    B.The subway is not on time.
    C.The subway left an hour ago.
    D.The man kept her from boarding the subway.

Part C

In this section of the test, you will hear several news broadcasts from foreign broadcast corporations. you will hear them only once. After each one, you will hear some questions. You will hear each question once only. When you hear the question, read the four possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on the ANSWER SHEET, find the number of the question and mark your choice of answer. (20%)

31.A.Last March.
    B.Last April.
    C.24 hours ago.
    D.Two weeks ago.

32.A.Because he wanted to stabilize his country's economy.
    B.Because Russia needed foreign investment.
    C.Because he wanted to defend his troops's actions in Chechnya.
    D.Because Britain could provide a bridge between Russia and the West.

33.A.An ancient royal cemetery.
    B.A stone bearing texts of special prayers.
    C.Neither A nor B.
    D.Both A and B.

34.A.In a EU Conference.
    B.In Paris, France.
    C.South of Cairo.
    D.At an International Congress of Egyptologists.

35.A.King Pepi I.
    B.Queen Ankh-sn-Pepi.
    C.King Khufu.
    D.Queen Khufu.

36.A.To open two more restaurants.
    B.To raise the prices in his restaurant.
    C.To ban the use of alcohol in his restaurant.
    D.To ban the use of cell phones in his restaurant.

37.A.Slowing down.
    C.Traffic congestion.
    D.Noise pollution.

38.A.1978 / Jamestown, USA.
    B.December 31, 1999/ northern Africa.
    C.March 17, 2000/ south-western Uganda.
    D.The end of March, 2000/South Africa.

39.A.Because hundreds more bodies were found buried on property belonging to cult leaders.
    B.Because cult leaders escaped the fire.
    C.Because cult leaders preached that the world would end on December 31, 1999.
    D.Because members of the organization were required to stop drinking and smoking.

40.A.Ugandan authorities.
    B.The police.
    C.The cult leaders.
    D.The members of the organization.



Listening Comprehension

Part A

In this section of the test, you will hear 10 short statements. When you hear each statement, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D, and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then, on the ANSWER SHEET, find the number of the question and mark your choice of answer.(20%)

1. A.This statement comprises a challenge.
    B.This statement expresses sympathy.
    C.This statement introduces a suggestion.
    D.This statement expresses permission.

2. A.John is not an artist.
    B.John prefers to be a teacher.
    C.John is a teacher and an artist as well.
    D.John wants to be an artist.

3. A.I think the sweater isn't smart enough.
    B.I think a warmer sweater is desirable today.
    C.I don't think the sweater is right for the occasion.
    D.I don't think that sweater is suitable for the weather.

4. A.Tom always prefers to walk in my direction.
    B.I'll never be in Tom's way.
    C.I'll support Tom no matter what happens.
    D.I'll help Tom when he comes.

5. A.Andy was hurt in the car crash.
    B.The crash damaged Andy's car.
    C.Two people had their bones broken.
    D.Andy drove too fast.

6. A.Where can we turn around?
    B.What is the main point?
    C.How can we rush there?
    D.Why should we hurry?

7. A.They phoned us last night.
    B.They are going to phone us tonight.
    C.They ought to phone us as soon as possible.
    D.It's bad that they didn't phone us last night.

8. A.Both words and actions are important.
    B.Words are more important than actions.
    C.What matters is what one does, not what one says.
    D.Actions are inseparable from words.

9. A.The old woman did not live with her husband and children.
    B.Her husband and children lived together with the old woman.
    C.Her husband and children lived longer than the old woman.
    D.The old woman lived longer than her husband and children.

10.A.A new motorbike would probably solve his problems.
    B.With his problems, he wouldn't want a new motorbike.
    C.His problems would remain the same even with a new motorbike.
    D.If he had a new motorbike, it would cause her the same problems.

Part B

In this section, you will hear 20 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a third voice will ask a question about what was said and the question is not written out for you. Read the four possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on the ANSWER SHEET, find the number of the question and mark your choice of answer. (60%)

11.A.They are university students.
    B.They are high school students.
    C.They are university teachers.
    D.They are high school teachers.

12.A.Go out to lunch with the woman.
    B.Visit some friends.
    C.Go to Los Angeles.
    D.Watch the football game.

13.A.She can type the report for him
    B.She can't help him.
    C.She wants to know why.
    D.She is doing a report too.

14.A.He is making a suggestion.
    B.He is making a request.
    C.He is offering help.
    D.He is asking for information.

15.A.He is reading.
    B.He is studying.
    C.He is working.
    D.He is playing a computer game.

16.A.They've just got married.
    B.They've just got engaged.
    C.They've just got a quarrel.
    D.They've just got divorced.

17.A.At an airport.
    B.In the cinema.
    C.At the theatre.
    D.In the immigration department.

18.A.He is an electrician.
    B.He is a plumber.
    C.He is a salesman.
    D.He is an estate agent.

19.A.She is giving a party.
    B.She is visiting some of her friends.
    C.She is drinking at a pub.
    D.She is eating in a restaurant.

20.A.Husband and wife.
    B.Saleswoman and customer.
    C.Doctor and patient.
    D.Teacher and student.

21.A.The man is going home soon.
    B.The man expects to hear from his family.
    C.The man is worried about his future.
    D.The man is unhappy about the postal service.

22.A.At the railway station.
    B.At a department store.
    C.In a studio.
    D.In the cinema.

23.A.He is too tired to go on with the trip.
    B.He has been to the Temple of Heaven.
    C.He must attend a meeting on Monday.
    D.His partner has something urgent to discuss with him.

24.A.She is giving approval.
    B.She doubts whether Bob will stop smoking or not.
    C.She is asking for more information.
    D.She thinks Bob should stop smoking right now.

25.A.The woman will arrive at the restaurant only ten minutes late.
    B.The woman has ten minutes to get to the restaurant.
    C.The man thinks he will be able to reach the restaurant in ten minutes.
    D.The man thinks he will not be able to drive quickly to the restaurant.

26.A.That she move into a different office in the department.
    B.That she take a day off from studying.
    C.That she join the other students in the department.
    D.That she find more students to help with the move.

27.A.Go to the concert.
    B.Go to the hospital.
    C.Watch a movie on television.
    D.Chat with her sister.

28.A.She has broken her arm.
    B.There is nothing wrong with her.
    C.The doctor does not know what is wrong with her.
    D.She has a pain in the chest.

29.A.Forty yuan.
    B.Fifty yuan.
    C.Sixty yuan.
    D.Seventy yuan.

30.A.Cathy has a more difficult life than she does.
    B.Cathy would like to take care of her three boys.
    C.Taking care of her three teenage boys is easy.
    D.Cathy's life is easy compared with her own.

Part C

In this section of the test, you will hear several news broadcasts from foreign broadcast corporations. You will hear them only once. After each one, you will hear some questions. You will hear each question once only. When you hear the question, read the four possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on the ANSWER SHEET, find the number of the question and mark your choice of answer. (20%)


32.A.Smoke and fire.
    B.Coal dust and methane gas.
    D.A short-circuit and power failure.

33.A.In 1989.
    B.In 1990.
    C.In 1991.
    D.In 1993.

34.A.Luan Rossa.
    B.Black Magic.

35.A.In 1987.
    B.In 1983.
    C.In 1995.
    D.In 2000.

36.A.Pope John XX.
    B.The Mayor of Rome.
    C.The Italian President.
    D.The leader of the Roman Catholic Church.

37.A.March 6.
    B.April 6.
    C.March 12.
    D.April 12.

38.A.In Rome.
    B.In the Vatican.
    C.In London.
    D.In Paris.

39.A.The lifting of all economic sanctions against Iran.
    B.The lifting of some economic sanctions against Iran.
    C.The beginning of diplomatic ties with Iran.
    D.The beginning of sending technical personnel to Iran.

40.A.Allies of President Muhammad Khatami.
    B.Iran's Revolutionary Guard.
    C.All the political parties.
    D.Iran's diplomats.



Listening Comprehension

Part A

Is this section of the test, you will hear 10 short statements. When you hear each statement, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D, and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then, on the ANSWER SHEET, find the number of the question and mark your choice of answer. (20%)

1. A.I'll be very careful with Bill.
    B.I'll watch Bill.
    C.I'll pay the money.
    D.I'll be cautious with the money.

2. A.It's fair for the university students to find their own apartments.
    B.It's not too difficult to find housing near campus.
    C.It's easy to find students in their apartments.
    D.It's quite difficult to locate apartments near the university.

3. A.Was the seminar ongoing?
    B.Wasn't the summer quiet and boring?
    C.The seminar wasn't quiet, was it?
    D.Did you think the discussion was boring, too?

4. A.Would you like to go for a stroll by the ocean?
    B.Do you want to wait for the speech after dinner?
    C.Shall we walk to the beach to have dinner?
    D.Should we rest after dinner or go to the beach?

5. A.It couldn't be too hot to work.
    B.I didn't accomplish much because of the weather.
    C.I completed a lot of work in spite of the hot weather.
    D.Unless it's very hot. I don't get much work done.

6. A.The president of the student union voted for him.
    B.He counseled students about the election.
    C.The students selected him to be union president.
    D.He helped to elect the president of the student union.

7. A.It's important to issue the right car keys.
    B.The issue's about the importance of having a car.
    C.Car insurance is essential.
    D.Take care when you discuss the importance of the issue.

8. A.Were you ready to leave on time?
    B.When will you have read it?
    C.How long have you been waiting?
    D.What time can we go?

9. A.This is the second largest football crowd ever.
    B.This is the only time that a large crowd has attended a football game.
    C.The large crowd has attended only one football game.
    D.The football game was played in front of a large crowd only once.

10.A.The two classes meet in an hour and a half.
    B.This class meets three hours per week.
    C.Each half of the class is an hour long.
    D.Two times a week the class meets for an hour.

Part B

In this section of the test, you will hear 20 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a third voice will ask a question about what was said and the question is not written out for you. Read the four possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on the ANSWER SHEET, find the number of the question and mark your choice of answer. (60%)

11.A.He never drinks tea.
    B.He prefers coffee at lunchtime.
    C.He likes tea in the evening.
    D.He doesn't drink coffee at lunchtime.

12.A.At the check-in.
    B.On the plane.
    C.At the departure gate.
    D.In front of the building.

13.A.She wants the man to repeat the question.
    B.She is not very fond of Jack.
    C.She doesn't understand the man.
    D.She rarely thinks about Jack.

14.A.There's no problem.
    B.He doesn't understand.
    C.It's impossible.
    D.He never lends money.

15.A.He's the only one who doesn't have an assignment.
    B.He thinks there is only one assignment for Friday.
    C.He is in the same position as the woman.
    D.He's the only one who can finish the assignment.

16.A.A car is needed in the city.
    B.It is worth having a car.
    C.A car isn't needed in the city.
    D.It is not worth having a car.

17.A.Betty has a more difficult life than she does.
    B.Betty would like to take care of her three boys.
    C.Taking care of her three teenage sons is easy.
    D.Betty's life is easy compared with her own.

18.A.In a hospital.
    B.At a museum.
    C.In a supermarket.
    D.At a church.

19.A.She would like to pay the man.
    B.Part of her car requires attention.
    C.Her central heating system needs checking.
    D.She wants to look at some rain hoods.

20.A.Eat some more duck.
    B.Give the waiter a small tip.
    C.Complain about the food.
    D.Leave the restaurant without paying.

21.A.He wants to listen to different music.
    B.He doesn't think the music is particularly loud.
    C.The neighbours should care for other people.
    D.The neighbours probably won't turn down the music.

22.A.He doubts the weather will be bad.
    B.He probably won't go swimming.
    C.He thinks the weather won't be as bad as predicted.
    D.The weather forecaster didn't do a good job.

23.A.She only spent a few cents.
    B.She couldn't find a lot of money in her purse.
    C.She spent all she had.
    D.It wasn't fair to spend the money in her purse.

24.A.A library.
    B.A bookstore.
    C.A classroom.
    D.A newspaper office.

25.A.He should find some new clothes.
    B.He should have his clothes cleaned in a different place.
    C.He should look for a way to do his own laundry.
    D.He should give the laundry another chance.

26.A.She knows he's not seriously injured.
    B.She hopes he'll get to the hospital quickly.
    C.She's heard all about his illness.
    D.She doesn't know how he's doing.

27.A.It's time to go home.
    B.He's late for an appointment.
    C.His home's far away.
    D.He's ready to leave home.

28.A.He doesn't think it's enough medicine.
    B.Taking pills every day should help her a lot.
    C.It seems like too much medicine.
    D.Maybe there aren't enough pills.

29.A.The printer was supposed to arrive weeks ago.
    B.Everybody's been talking excitedly about the new printer.
    C.The new printer should arrive in a few weeks.
    D.The computer lab is four weeks old now.

30.A.He needs to talk to her immediately.
    B.It bothers him to talk with her.
    C.Tomorrow is too late for their discussion.
    D.He doesn't have anything very important to say.

Part C

In this part of the test, you will hear several news broadcasts from foreign broadcast corporations. You will hear them only once. After each one, you will hear some questions. You will hear each question once only. When you hear the question, read the four possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on the ANSWER SHEET, find the number of the question and mark your choice of answer. (20%)

31.A.A new political party was founded.
    B.A new coalition government was formed.
    C.Austria joined the EU.
    D.Austria adopted a new immigration policy.

32.A.The Freedom Party's inclusion in the new government.
    B.The adoption of the new immigration policy.
    C.Austria's participation into the EU.
    D.The founding of the Austrian People's Party.

33.A.Because he praise aspects of Germany's former Nazi regime.
    B.Because he opposed the European Union's plans to invite Eastern European countries to join the EU.
    C.Because he supported a near halt to immigration.
    D.All of the above.

34.A.To reduce oil production.
    B.To increase oil production.
    C.To reduce oil prices.
    D.To increase oil prices.

35.A.April 1, 2000.
    B.May 1, 2000.
    C.June 1, 2000.
    D.July 1, 2000.

36.A.In August.
    B.In September.
    C.In October.
    D.In November.

37.A.In August.
    B.In early July.
    C.In late June.
    D.In late July and early August.

38.A.In August.
    B.In early July.
    C.In late June.
    D.In late July and early August.

39.A.A new law came into effect.
    B.Egypt's parliament passed a new law.
    C.A new law allowed women to file for divorce.
    D.A new law allowed men to divorce their wives for any reason.

40.A.Because they claimed that it would violate Islamic principles.
    B.Because they claimed it would lead to a population explosion.
    C.Because they claimed it would have a destabilizing effect on society.
    D.Because they claimed that it would make it more difficult for women to divorce
their husbands.
