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  Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should  

    1) describe the picture,  

    2) interpret its meaning, and  

    3) support your view with examples.  

  You should write about 160—200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points) 



  One glance at a pyramid can leave the viewer in awe of its beauty and splend or. Upon closer examination, however, one might be surprised to discover that such a grandiose structure is composed entirely of ordinary stones.    

  Most people are familiar with the proverb: Rome was not built in a day. An object as grand as a pyramid is likewise not so quickly or easily constructed. Just as the greatness of the city of Rome is due to the combination of its smaller parts, a pyramid is only as strong as the stones it is comprised of. The image of a pyramid reminds us that great success is in fact an accumulation of small a chievements.

  History proves that many famous artists and scientists are only successful because of their continued efforts, even after numerous failures. One might recall Leonardo DaVinci's drawing of an egg, Wang Xi Zhi practicing handwriting, or Thomas Edison inventing the light bulb, for example. The fable that tells us that even water can eventually pierce through stone also points to the importance of patience and diligence. We should take such stories and histories into account and remember the importance of fundamentals; remember that one can build a pyramid only if one is willing to work with small stones. People would be wise to abandon rash inclinations and instead try in earnest. Perseverance is sure to leadto success.   






  We can see in the picture, a great Egyptian Pyramid towering magnificently into the sky. At first sight visitors may be overwhelmed by the pyramid and cannot help but marvel at the huge stones in front of them — the embodiment of patience and endurance of an Ancient Egyptian Civilization. During this extended period of building, one can only imagine the amount of patience and endurance that was required by the people before any of this greatness was to be achieved.  

  The stones of the pyramid remind us of a famous saying: “Rome was not built in a day,” that is, great things are never done without much time and labor. 

  As human beings, we are eager to win merits for ourselves. It is, however, onlypatience as well as endurance that can help us to succeed in performing great deeds. In the case of Si Maqian, without those brilliant qualities mentioned above, he could never attain such great achievements. Difficulties are unavoidable, unless we do not engage in anything at all. In the end, it is patience and endurance that counts.   

  Some people would give up halfway in the face of what seems to be insurmountable. Men of such a type can hardly expect to succeed. We must take a stepbystep approach to accomplish everything until we get the final result. The reason is very simple: if one attempts to climb a mountain, however high he reaches, he has failed if he does not reach the top.   


  在这幅画中我们可以看到,一座伟大的埃及金字塔擎天而立,雄伟壮观。尽管游客们第一眼看到它时,都会被它的磅礴气势所震撼,然而震撼过后,他们都不禁要对眼前这些体现着古埃及人民坚忍不拔精神的巨石惊叹不已。在漫长的修筑过程中,你不难想象在这个伟大创举的背后,饱含着人民坚韧不拔的精神与毅力。   

  金字塔的巨石使我们想到这样一句名言:“罗马不是一天建成的。”也就是说,不付出艰辛的劳动和足够的时间就不会成就伟大的事业。人类急切希望为自己创造价值。但是,只有耐心和坚韧才能帮助我们完成伟大创举。以司马迁为例,假如他不具备上述优秀品质,成就那样的伟业绝无可能。做任何事情,障碍都是不可避免的,除非我们什么都不做。说到底,有了耐心和坚韧才能成功。   


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