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Ⅰ.Translate the following phrases into Chinese:(10%)
2.trade surplus
4.barter trade
5.futures market
6.current account
7.budgt deficit
8.invisible trade
9.compensation trade

Ⅱ.Translate the following phrases into English:(10%)

Ⅲ.Choose one answer that best explains the underlined part of the following statements or best completes them:(30%)
1.In California's Silicon Valley Lucky-Goldstar's white-frocked research scientists delve into the mysteries of state -of -the-art semiconductor technology.
  A.most lucrative         B.markedly advanced
  C.state-run              D.nationalized

2.Fiscal stimulus refers to ___.
  A.increase in the government expenditure and cut in taxation
  B.supply more money and bank credit with low interest rates
  C.encourage investment of industries
  D.decrease in the government expenditure and increase taxation

3.Deflationary impact can have the following results except ___.
  A.tightening the money supply       B.loosening the money supply
  C.restricting borrowing             D.resulting in hiked interest rates

4.…to  give me a product that's competitive in price and quality, and I'll take it hands down.
  A.I'll take it easily          B.I'll take it with my hands
  C.I'll no doubt take it        D.I'll take it away

5.Aggregate statistics for 1991 were influenced by the sharp decline in output in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as by the adverse effects of the Gulf crisis on several economies in the Middle East.
  A.accumulated        B.total
  C.given              D.calculated

6.As a result,the visible trade surplus rose sharply from US $ 1.4 billion in 1981 to US $ 4.4 billin in 1982 and US $ 3.7 billion in 1983.
  A.inport       B.export       C.excess      D.saving

7.Coca-cola and Pepsico don't wage mere market share battles. They fight holy wars.
   A.they fight for their country
   B.They fight for dominating the market and muscle the enemy out of the market
   C.They fight for their employers
   D.They fight for their families

8.LOw growth has been a consequence of the Mitterrand government's fiscal austerity.
  A.deflation         B.incentives
  C.appreciation      D.strict restrictions

9.A real economic growth rate of 4% in fiscal 1986 was viable for Japan.
  A.able to succeed      B.likely no fail
  C.hard to predict      D.vulnerable

10.The signs that south Korea has aggressively made inroads into the EC markets have not been lost on the West.
  A.have failed                   B.have not escaped the attention of
  C.have not been taken away      D.have not disppeared

11.In statistics,amounts are often expressed in constant US dollars.The sentence means that ___.
  A.the amount are always calculted in US dollars
  B.the amounts are unchangeable in US dollars
  C.the US dollars are not trade weighted in statistics.
  D.the amounts are often figured out in US dollars of a fixed value.

12.The term “real disposable income” is used to mean personal income __.
  A.for living expenses in constant dollar value
  B.for consumption and investment in short run
  C.after taxes and with elimination of inflation factors
  D.disallowing for price changes resulting from inflation

13.Economic problems were exacerbated by three bad harvests with the result that national income and the volume of foreign trade contracted during 1960-1962.
  A.deepened          B.stagnated          C.deteriorated         D.postponed

14.On Octorber 14th French farmers held another “day of action” - blocking rads.planting wheat in awkward places and so forth - in  protest at the planned reforms.
   A.clumsy        B.improper          C.inconvenient       D.embarrassing

15.The battle to unseat smaller brands, dominate niches, and shove competing products out of distribution will be  costly and exhausting, and could go on for years.
   A.status         B.share         C.place       D.market

ⅣRead the following passages and answer the questions in English:(24%)

    American hopes that pressure from the U. S.will force Japan to suddenly dismantle its trade barriers are almost certain to evaporate in disappointment.

   The fact is that Washington faces an obstacle far more formidable than a few power brokers in Tokyo's government offices. It must buck centuries-old, deeply ingrained Japanese customs. To move the Japanese government, Washington must move an entire nation.

1.What are American hopes?
2.Can their hopes come true? Why? Or why not?
3.What does ‘move’ mean in the given context?

   some of the Clinton administration's tough talk appears tactical, intended to pressure trading partners into offering concessions and to unblock stalled negotiations on several fronts. But it appears that officials are prepared to turn up the temperature on trade- and live with the consequences. In some ways, Mr.Clinton and his advisers are following the same well - trod path as the Bush administration, which threatened sanctions against the Community last year and walked away from GATT negotiations rather than sign an agreement that would provide only small gains for U.S. companies. The same political pressures from trade hawks in Congress that the Bush officials felt are now bearing down on the Clinton team.

1.Why does the Clinton administration put pressure on its trading partners?

2.What are the consequences that the American officials are prepared to see?

3.Please paraphrase“Mr. Clinton and his advisers are following the same well- trod path as the Bush administration.”

Ⅴ.Read the following two passages and decide whether the statements are ture or false.Mark for true and F for false in the brackets given.(15%)

    Haier appliances feature the latest technology and styles and have a reputation for durability. Ranked China’s NO.1 consumer - electronics maker, Haier accounts for nearly 40% of the country's refrigerator sales and a third of its washing - machine and air -conditioner sales.And it hopes to become an export powerhouse - “a famous global brand like Japan's Matsushita,” President Zhang Ruimin says. It already sells washing machines to Japan,air conditioners to France and refrigerators to the U.S.

   Haier's success is helping the Chinese government pursue its goal of steering the economy away from labor - intensive industries such as textiles and toys and encouraging home - grown electronics and technology companies to compete with Japan,South Korea and other Asian nations as a global source of high-tech products.

1.Haier appliances are technology - oriented,durable,but out of fashion.(    )

2.As the No.1 consumer-electronics maker in China,Hairer accounts for over 30% of the country's washing - machine and air-conditioner sales.(    )

3.Haier's success has enabled the Chinese government to achieve its goal of steering the economy away from labor-intensive industries such as textiles and toys.

4.Just like Japan's Matsushita. Haier has now become a famous global brand, selling washing machines to Japan, air conditioners to France and refrigerators to the U.S.

5.Haier's success encourages Chinese electronics and technology companies to compete with Japan, South Korea and other Asian nations.

    A year ago. AT&T looked as if it might soon be sleeping with the fishes. Its long- time boss, Bob Allen, had been replaced in November 1997 by Michael Armstrong from Hughes Electronics, who was a relative novice in the telecoms business. The firm's long-distance operation was being whittled away by newcomers such as WorldCom.Its international alliances were floundering. and it had wasted $ 4 billion trying to persuade its uppity offspring, the Baby Bells, to let it into their lucrative $ 100 billion local markets. People whispered that the only good bit of AT&T had been its equipment business.

  Yet in the past six months Mr. Armstrong has silenced most of his critics. Some of his moves - for instance slimming AT&T's workforce by another 18,000 people and piling money into Internet research - were only to the expected. But AT&T has also begun to throw its weight around:

  It has terrified the Baby bells, first by buying TeleCommunications Inc, America's biggest cable -TV firm, for $ 48 billion and, this week, by forming a joint - venture with Time Warner, the second -biggest cable group, to deliver local telephone services. AT&T now has a potential line into 50 million American houses (more than 40% of the total), and it talking with other big cable operators about extending its reach.


1.When Machael Armstrong replaced Bob Allen in November 1997, he was considered as an expert in the telecoms business.(    )

2.Though AT&T's long - distance operation was being reduced, its international alliances were doing extremely well.(    )

3.Mr.Armstrong was expected to make more employees redundant soon after he became the new boss of AT&T.(    )

4.Undr Machale Armstrong,AT&T threw its weight around by buying TeleCommunications Inc, and by forming a joint - venture with Time Warner.(    )

5.Mr. Armstrong was quite irresolute in dealing with his critics.(    )

Ⅵ.Translate the following passage into Chinese:(11%)

   The relationship between trade and the environment is the thorniest of all.The difficulty facing rule- makers is this:the benefits of trade depend on the assumption that relative prices in different countries reflect differences in factors of production,  productivity and so on. However, if one firm is polluting freely while another bears the cost of cleaning up its pollution, then relative costs will fail to reflect these differences, and trade that looks desirable may not be.




1.market forces
2.monetary policy
3.most favored-nation treatment/status
4.World Trade Organization
5.personal income tax/individual income tax
6.commoditis/goods market
7.service trade /trade in service
8.primary goods
9.International Monetary Fund
10.per capita/head GDP(gross domestic products)

1.B    2.A    3.B    4.A     5.B     6.C    7.B    8.D
9.A    10.B   11.D   12.C    13.C    14.B   15.A

   1.(1)Americans hope that Japan will be forced to remove its trade barriers so as to import more goods from America.

     (2)Their hopes can not come true. Because it is difficult to change the Japanese government's trade policy. Furthermore, it is even more difficult to ask Japanese to take in more imports,for it is their ingrained traditional ideas that reject imports.

      (3)Here ‘move’ means to change the position of something.

    2.(1)The Clinton administration has made up its mind to force its trading partners to offer concessions so that it can resume negotiations with them on several fronts.

       (2)They are prepared to see U.S. trade relations with its trading partners going from bad to worse.

       (3)Mr. Clinton and his advisers are adopting the same tough trade policies as the Bush administration.

   1.(1)F       (2)T      (3)F       (4)F    (5)T
   2.(1)F       (2)F      (3)T       (4)T    (5)F

