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2010教师资格初中英语说课:Let’s explore the Ming Tombs!


Let’s explore the Ming Tombs!

  Selected from Unit 6 Topic 2 Section C, Ren’ai Project English Book 2.

Part One Analysis of Teaching Material

  I. Status and Function

  This is a reading text about the topic “Let’s explore the Ming Tombs”. It aims to enhance students’ reading skills. It also provides some new language points for the students to master.

  II. Teaching Aims and Demands

  The teaching aims are based on Junior High School English syllabus' provision.

  1. Knowledge objects

  (1) To help the students master the new words and expressions.

  (2) To teach the students how to use the adverbial clauses of time.

  2. Ability objects

  My teaching procedure is designed to promote the students' abilities of reading, listening, speaking and writing.

  3. Emotion objects

  (1) To arouse the students’ interest in class activities.

  (2) To train their team spirit by working in groups.

  (3) To educate the students to follow the public rules.

  III. Key Points and Difficult Points

  Key points:

  (1) To help the students to master the new expressions.

  (2) To enable the students to communicate with each other.

  Difficult points:

  (1) How to use adverbial clauses of time.

  (2) How to retell the text.

  Part Two Analysis of Students

  The students of my two classes are very active. They enjoy taking part in all kinds of class activities. At present they can express their own ideas with simple oral English. Also writing a short passage is among their abilities now. And most of them can retell the text at the end of the class. Gradually, they have taken great interest in English.

  Part Three Analysis of Teaching Methods

  1. Audio-visual teaching method

  2. Task-based teaching method

  3. Free discussion method

  Part Four Analysis of Learning Methods

  1. To take an active part in class activities.

  2. To summarize the language points through their own thinking.

  3. To make use of the new language material to express their own ideas.

  Part Five Analysis of Teaching Procedure

  Step 1 Brain storming (3 minutes)

  Step 2 Digest the text (23 minutes)

  Step 3 Outline the story (5 minutes)

  Step 4 Discussion (3 minutes)

  Step 5 Additional materials (5 minutes)

  Step 6 Project (6 minutes)

  The six tasks are designed to follow the gradualism principle. Each task is harder than the former one.

  Step 1 Brain storming

  This task aims to help the students remember the new words.

  First, I will guide the students to read the new words according to the pronunciation rules.

  Second, I will ask the students to make up four short stories with the new words. And the main structure of the story will be given to make the task easy and interesting. The students just need to fill in the blanks with the right words to complete the story.

  The interesting stories will help the students to remember the new words quickly. And also this task can begin this lesson with exciting atmosphere.

  Step 2 Digest the Text

  Here I adopt four steps for the students to digest the text.

  1. Listening (3 minutes)

  The students are supposed to listen to the tape and get some main ideas about the text. Then I will ask the students to answer some simple yes-or-no questions to check their listening comprehension.

  2. Skipping and Scanning (5~6 minutes)

  After listening, students begin to read the text for the first time.

  First, they should underline the new expressions while reading.

  Second, they should number the pictures in the right order. They should finish this part by skipping and scanning.

  Third, I will explain the new expressions and ask the students to fill in the blanks with them. This exercise will make the new points more impressive.

  At last, some translation should be done here for the students to practice more.

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