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2010教师资格初中英语说课:The sports meeting


  1. Does your school hold a sports meeting every year?

  2. Do you take part in it? Which sport can you do well in?

  3. How many sports are there at the sports meeting?


  hold a sports meeting, the 100-metre race, the high jump, the long jump, the relay race

  Step 3 Read and learn

  (录像演示)演示the 100-metre race的情景,回答:Who was first/second/third in the 100-metre race?

  (录像演示)演示the high jump的情景,回答:Who won the high jump?

  (录像演示)演示the long jump的情景,回答:Who was first/second/third in the long jump?


  Step 4 Practise



The gilrs’ 100-metre race

Han Meimei




Wu Dong



The boys' high jump

Lin Tao

1.59 m



Zhang Jun


  Step 5 Read and act

  (录像演示)演示对话的情景,学生了解对话内容,教学新单词neck,解释句子:Which sport are you in today?

  It means Which sport are you taking part in today?。

  Step 6 Exercises


  Last week No. 14 Middle School _________ (hold) a sports meeting on the playground. Lily _________(run) fastest of all in the 100-metre race. Zhang Jun _________(do) best of all in the high jump and Liu Mei _________ (jump) farthest of all in the long jump. Ling Li ________ (fall) and ________(hurt)his neck, so he _________(do)take part in any sport. Now he ________(be) much better.

  Keys: held, ran, did Jumped, fell, hurt, didn’t, is


best, far, fall, which, better, jump, hold a sports meeting

  1. Zhang Liang ________highest of all.

  2. They ________on the playground this year.

  3. Who jumps ________than Mark?

  4. Zhang Jun did ________of all.

  5. Who _______and hurt his leg yesterday?

  6. ________sports is he in today?

  7. Who is ________than Lin Feng?

  Keys: 1.jumped 2.will hold a sports meeting 3.farther/further 4.best 5.fell 6.Which 7.better

  Step 7 Homework

  1. Finish exercises on page 103.

  2. Rewrite the passage.

  3. Finish off the workbook exercises.

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