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来源:考试吧(Exam8.com) 2011-7-14 14:58:16 要考试,上考试吧! 万题库
第 1 页:试题

  第二节 语法选择 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


  Jack worked in a shop that sold clocks. He was always telling Harry 26 a new clock. But Harry, 27 lived next door to Jack, said he didn’t need one.

  “ 28 needs a clock,” Jack said. “How do you know when it’s time to get up?”

  “My landlord Mr. Smith turns on his radio at seven o’clock and listens 29 the news,” Harry said. “That’s my morning call.”

  “Ok. But how do you know when to go to work?”

  “By the time I 30 my breakfast, it’s eight o’clock, time to leave for the office. Then I walk there. When I arrive at my office, it’s nice o’clock. That’s 31 time I start work.”

  “Ok. But how do you know when it’s time to go home?”

  “The factory bell 32 ” Harry told him.

  “But how do you know when it’s time to go to bed?”

  “The television programs come to end.”

  By now Jack was really 33 。 “Ok,” he shouted. “Now tell me what would happen 34 you woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to know the time.”

  “That’s easy,” Harry said, “I would knock heavily on 35 wall. Then you would shout at me, ‘What are you doing knocking on my wall at three o’clock in the morning?’”

  26. A. to buy B. buying C. bought D. buy

  答案: A

  【解析】考查固定结构。tell sb. to do sth.故选A项。

  27. A. which B. whose C. that D. who

  答案: D


  28. A. No one B. Neither one C. Everyone D. Someone

  答案: C


  29. A. at B. to C. in D. on

  答案: B


  30. A. eats B. have eaten C. ate D. was eating

  答案: B

  【解析】考查句子的时态,根据时间状语by the time推断,用现在完成时态,故选B项。

  31. A. a B. an C. the D.不填

  答案: C


  32. A. ring B. rings C. was rung D. ringing

  答案: B


  33. A. anger B. angrily C. angry D. angering

  答案: C


  34. A. if B. that C. why D. how

  答案: A


  35. A. his B. their C. her D. your

  答案: D


  三、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


  It was the last day of school and I planned to travel to my friend’s hometown. I hadn’t seen him for years and this was a good 36 to meet him again.

  I was busy at school so it was rather 37 when I came back home. It was already 10 o’clock at night. Time was running out. After a hurried meal I left. 38 I found a taxi very soon. Asking the driver to drive me fast to the station, I relaxed for a while, imagining what my friend looked like now. I was soon at the station and was sure that I would be able to 39 the train. Unfortunately, I fell on the way and lost some time. To my complete 40 , when I reached the platform, I saw that the train had just left! It was the last train so I had to 41 home.

  My mother was glad to see me back as she had a feeling about my trip. But I was unhappy. I tried to relax and went to bed but I had a 42 sleep. The next morning I was very tired. As I was having breakfast the 43 arrived. I read over the pages and was shocked to 44 that the train I missed had had an accident. How 45 I was that I missed the train!

  36. A. sign B. chance C. sense D. dream

  答案: B


  37. A. strange B. cold C. late D. quiet

  答案: C


  38. A. Finally B. Suddenly C. Strangely D. Luckily

  答案: D


  39. A. stop B. see C. catch D. miss

  答案: C


  40. A. satisfaction B. hope C. surprise D. joy

  答案: C

  【解析】考查句意理解和固定词组。理解句意,令我惊讶的是火车已离开了站台,to my surprise令我惊讶固定词组。

  41. A. call B. leave C. reach D. return

  答案: D


  42. A. deep B. bad C. great D. heavy

  答案: B


  43. A. newspaper B. ticket C. mild D. train

  答案: A


  44. A. find B. hear C. feel D. remember

  答案: A


  45. A. hopeful B. thankful C. careful D. painful

  答案: B


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