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来源:星火 2008-11-18 9:11:46 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  16. M: Professor Kennedy has been very busy this semester. As far as I know he works till midnight every day.

  W: I wouldn't have troubled him so much if I had known he was so busy.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

  【解析】D)。四个选项都是有关女士和教授之间的关系,由此可以推测,本问题的内容是关于女士和教授的学习和工作的。 男士说教授这个学期很忙(very busy this semester),每天工作到深夜(works till midnight every day)。女士回答说如果早知道是这么忙就不会那样麻烦他了(wouldn't have troubled him)。由此可以推测女士很后悔占用了教授很长时间(regrets having taken up much of the professor's time)。故D)为正确答案。

  17. W: May I make a recommendation, sir? The clams with our special sauce are good. They're fresh from the ocean.

  M: Thank you, but I don't care for clams.

  Q: Where did this conversation probably take place?

  【解析】A)。四个选项都是表示地点场景的短语,由此可以推断,本题是考查关于某件事情发生的地点。 女士推荐说配特制酱汁的蛤蜊(The clams with our special sauce)很不错,蛤蜊是刚从海里捕上来的(fresh from the ocean)。由此可见本对话发生在餐馆(restaurant),故正确答案为A)。

  18. W: I suppose we should look for a bigger house, but I don't see how we can afford it right now.

  M: If only we hadn't spent so much money on our car this year.

  Q: What can we learn from the conversation about the speakers?

  【解析】D)。四个选项都是They可能会做出的选择,由此可以推断,本题是考查关于某些人即将做出的决定。女士觉得应该找一间大一点的房子(look for a bigger house),但目前又承担(afford)不起。男士指出了负担不起的原因,今年花了钱在买汽车上(spent so much money on our car)。由此可见,他们无法换一间大点的房子,因为钱不够(don't have enough money)。故正确答案为D)。

  Conversation One

  M: Oh,Janna, you're early! I'm happy you're here early today because I'd like to discuss your attendance for a moment.

  W: Gee, Dr.Livingston, (19) I'm really sorry about missing class yesterday.

  M: Actually,(19)it's been several days.(20)Counting today, we've only had 6 classes, yet you've already missed 4.It's more than a half. You won't be able to pass if you're constantly absent. And I really don't want to fail anyone.

  W: Sorry, I've been extremely busy. I can explain for it. Dr.Livingston. I have a part-time job, so...

  M: Well, I hope you're already for today's exam.

  W: Today? I thought it was Monday!

  M: Read the syllabus, Janna; this is precisely what I'm talking about. You should either make an effort to attend, or you should consider withdrawing while it's still possible.

  W: What do you mean?

  M: Today's the final day you can withdraw and get a full refund.

  W: Maybe I really should. What do you suggest?

  M: I wish you could attend classes regularly; however, if you don't believe you're capable of this, then don't waste your money.

  W: Thanks, Dr.Livingston. I really appreciate your advice. If it's okay,(21) I suppose I'll go ahead and drop the class.

  M: It's entirely up to you, but that might be best if you don't think things are going to change. Excuse me, the students are coming, and I've got to get ready for class. I wish you the very best of luck, Janna.

  W: Thank you, Dr.Livingston. Goodbye.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. What is the woman's problem?

  B)。【解析】四个选项均为现在完成进行时态,由此可以推断,本题考查的内容可能是某人最近一段时间发生的事情或者持续的状态。女士解释说,抱歉,昨天没有来上课(missing class)。男士说,并不仅仅是昨天,一共上过6次课,已经缺了4次。由此可见女士的问题在于并没有每天都来上课(hasnt been attending class every day)。故正确答案为B)。

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