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来源:星火 2008-11-18 9:11:46 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  Section C

  Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times, when the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea .When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information .For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.


  A deadly (36)_________outbreak swept through a small city in Zaire, Africa last spring, killing more than one hundred people. It was a terrible situation. The killer was a rare (37)_________ that caused most victims to (38)_________ to death. As scientists rushed to control the (39) _________, people in the U.S. wonder whether it could attack here. "We are foolish if we think it couldn't come to our country. We can never be too careful when we face some disease, especially the infectious one." say doctors. The virus can be highly infectious. If you come in (40)_________with a victim's blood or other body (41)_________, you can get sick, too. That's what scientists believe (42)_________in Zaire. The healthcare workers who treated the first (43) ________there soon fell ill, too. (44)__________________________________.International rescue works brought equipment to Zaire soon after the outbreak occurred.(45)________________________________.One big mystery is that no one knows where the virus comes from or where it will strike next. Some scientists say that the virus lies inactive in the cells of some kind of plant, insect or other animal. Then it somehow finds a way to infect humans. (46)__________________________________.Once they find the virus, they also hope to find ways to combat it.

  Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension

  Section A

  11. M: Why don't you come to our home for dinner some time this week? I have practiced to improve my cooking.

  W: I'd like to, but we have visitors from Finland, perhaps next week.

  Q: Why can't the woman accept the man's invitation?

  【解析】B)。四个选项都是关于女士,由此暗示对话当中应该更加重视与女士有关的部分。男士邀请女士去他家吃晚饭(come to our home for dinner),女士说这个星期有芬兰来的客人(visitors from Finland)要招待,可能要下个星期去。因为女士这个星期有客人,所以女士不能接受男士的邀请。故正确答案为B)。

  12. M: I hope I won't oversleep. I've simply got to catch the first flight to New York.

  W: If I were you, I'd request the wake-up call from the hotel reception.

  Q: What does the woman advise the man do?

  【解析】D)。四个选项都是不定式,由此可以推断,本题的内容可能是目的或者动作。 女士说,如果我是你(If I were you),就会要旅店提供叫醒电话(wake-up call)。由此可见,女士建议男士ask for a wake-up call,正确答案为D)。

  13. M: I really had a busy week. I want to get some rest. I always enjoy a nap on Saturday afternoon.

  W: I don't think you can. Mr. Smith has just parked his car at the door, and he is coming up now.

  Q: What can we learn from this conversation?

  【解析】B)。四个选项都更侧重男士方面,由此暗示对话当中应该更加注意与男士相关的部分。 男士一般都在星期六下午睡个午觉(enjoy a long siesta on Saturday afternoon),但女士说Mr. Smith已经在门口停车,马上就来了(parked his car at the door,he is coming up)。由此可以推断,男士今天不能睡午觉了(won't be able to enjoy a nap)。故正确答案为B)。

  14. W: How is George doing? Is he doing all right?

  M: He is doing fine now. He planned to change his job for a while but finally decided to keep the present one.

  Q: What can we learn about George in this conversation?

  【解析】B)。四个选项都是有关George和工作的关系,对工作的看法和态度,由此可以推测,本题的内容是关于George和工作的。 George的工作现在做得不错(doing fine)。虽然他想过换工作(planned to change his job),但是他决定保留现有的工作(keep the present one)。故正确答案为B)。

  15. W: Good morning. This is Dr.Allen's office.

  M: Good morning. I'd like to make an appointment with Dr.Allen to have my teeth cleaned and checked. I'd like to have it done this week if possible.

  Q: Who is the woman?

  【解析】C)。四个选项都是表示身份的词,由此可以推测,本题的内容是关于某人的身份。男士要和牙医预约洗牙和检查(have my teeth cleaned and checked)。由此可见,女士应该是牙医诊所的接待员(receptionist)。故C)为正确答案。

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