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  Thomas Malthus published his "Essay on the Principle of

  Population" almost 200 years ago. Ever since then, forecasters

  have being warning that worldwide famine was just around the S1________

  next corner. The fast-growing population's demand for food,

  they warned, would soon exceed their supply, leading to S2________

  widespread food shortages and starvation.

  But in reality, the world's total grain harvest has risen

  steadily over the years. Except for relative isolated trouble spots S3________

  like present-day Somalia, and occasional years of good harvests, S4________

  the world's food crisis has remained just around the corner.

  Most experts believe this can continue even as if the population S5________

  doubles by the mid-21st century, although feeding 10 billion

  people will not be easy for politics, economic and environmental S6________

  reasons. Optimists point to concrete examples of continued

  improvements in yield. In Africa, by instance, improved seed, S7________

  more fertilizer and advanced growing practices have more than

  double corn and wheat yields in an experiment. Elsewhere, rice S8________

  experts in the Philippines are producing a plant with few stems S9_________

  and more seeds. There is no guarantee that plant breeders can

  continue to develop new, higher-yielding crop, but most

  researchers see their success to date as reason for hope. S10________


  Culture refers to the social heritage of a people - the

  learned patterns for thinking, feeling and acting that characterize

  a population or society, include the expression of these S1._______

  patterns in material things. Culture is compose of non-material S2._______

  culture -abstract creations like values, beliefs, customs

  and institutional arrangements and material culture -

  physical object like cooking pots, computers and bathtubs. S3._______

  In sum, culture reflects both the ideas we share or everything S4._______

  we make. In ordinary speech, a person of culture is

  the individual can speak another language - the person who S5._______

  is unfamiliar with the arts, music, literature, philosophy, or S6._______

  history. But to sociologists, to be human is to be cultured,

  because of culture is the common world of experience we S7._______

  share with other members of our group.

  Culture is essentially to our humanness. It provides a S8._______

  kind of map for relating to others. Consider how you find

  your way about social life. How do you know how to act in a

  classroom, or a department store, or toward a person who

  smiles or laugh at you? S9._______

  Your culture supplies you by broad, standardized, S10._______

  ready-made answers for dealing with each of these situations.

  Therefore, if we know a persons culture, we can understand

  and even predict a good deal of his behavior.

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