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  Sporting activities are essentially modified forms of hunting

  behavior. Viewing biologically, the modern footballer is revealed as a S1.________

  member of a disguised hunting pack. His killing weapon has turned into

  a harmless football and his prey into a goal-mouth. If his aim is inaccurate S2.________

  and he scores a goal, enjoys the hunter's triumph of killing his prey. S3._________

  To understand how this transformation has taken place we

  must briefly look up at our ancient ancestors. They spent over a S4.________

  million year evolving as co-operative hunters. Their very survival S5._______

  depended on success in the hunting-field. Under this pressure their whole

  way of life, even if their bodies, became radically changed. They became S6.________

  chasers, runners, jumpers, aimers, throwers and prey-killers.

  They co-operate as skillful male-group attackers. S7.________

  Then, about ten thousand years ago, when this immensely long S8.________

  formative period of hunting for food, they became farmers. Their

  improved intelligence, so vital to their old hunting life, were put to a new S9._______

  use-that of penning ( 把……关在圈中), controlling and domesticating

  their prey. The food was there on the farms, awaiting their needs. The

  risks and uncertainties of farming were no longer essential for survival. S10._______


  A great many cities are experiencing difficulties which

  are nothing new in the history of cities, except in their scale.

  Some cities have lost their original purpose and have not found

  new one. And any large or rich city is going to attract poor S1._________

  immigrants, who flood in, filling with hopes of prosperity S2._________

  which are then often disappointing. There are backward towns

  on the edge of Bombay or Brasilia, just as though there were S3._________

  on the edge of seventeenth-century London or early nine-

  teenth-century Paris. This is new is the scale. Descriptions S4._________

  written by eighteenth-century travelers of the poor of Mexico

  City, and the enormous contrasts that was to be found there, S5._________

  are very dissimilar to descriptions of Mexico City today - the S6._________

  poor can still be numbered in millions.

  The whole monstrous growth rests on economic prosperity,

  but behind it lies two myths: the myth of the city as a S7._________

  promised land, that attracts immigrants from rural poverty S8._________

  and brings it flooding into city centers, and the myth of the S9._________

  country as a Garden of Eden, which, a few generations late, S10._________

  sends them flooding out again to the suburbs.

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