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  士的谈话。就原因提问的测试题,其选择项特点较为明显,通常都由because 引

  导。但也不不少含蓄型的题目。这类测试题的选择项没有because ,不过,只要



  A ) He must meet his teacher. B) He must attend a class.

  C ) He must go out with his girlfriend. D) He must stay at school

  to finish his homework.

  W : John , do you want to go swimming with me today ?

  M : Sure , but I can‘t leave now. I have an appointment with my

  professor at three o’clock.

  Q : Why can‘t John go swimming now?


  A ) He doesn ‘t enjoy business trips as much as he used to.

  B ) He doesn ‘t think he is capable of doing the job.

  C ) He thinks the pay is too low to support his family.

  D ) He wants to spend more time with his family.

  W : If I were you, I would have accepted the job.

  M : I turned down the offer because it would mean frequent business

  trips away from my


  Q : why didn ‘t the man accept the job?(2000.6/8)





  1 、常见的提问方式是:

  Where does the conversation most probably take place?

  Where are the two speakers now?

  Where do you think this conversation most probably take place ?

  Where is the man/ woman going ?

  Where is Mary now ?

  2 、相关词汇和表达:

  Hotel : room service , double room; reservation, front desk ,

  bathroom reception, single room

  Restaurant: menu , steak, order, salad, soft drink , dessert,

  soup, go Dutch , beef , mutton , reservation

  Library : borrow , over-due , lend , fine , renew, catalogue,

  due , shelf, volumn

  Post office : mail , parcel , airmail, registered letter, post


  Store : size , fashion, color, cash , department , counter,

  check out , on sale, of the same price. bargain

  Bank: open an account, draw on one‘s account , cash a check ,

  current account , fixed deposit

  Hospital: fever, pills, cough, tablet , headache , take medicine,

  stomachache , temperature, prescribe

  School: Bachelor ‘s degree, Master ’s degree, Doctor ‘s degree,

  dormitory , semester , required course, elective/ optional course,

  credit, exam.

  Plane : flight , seat belt, take off , land , extinguish cigarettes,



  A ) At home. B ) At the riverside.

  C ) At the health center. D) At his office.

  M : Hello, this is John Hopkins at the Riverside Health center.

  I ‘d like to speak to Mr. Jones.

  W : I‘m sorry , Mr. Hopkins, my husband isn ’t at home. But I

  can give you his office phone number. He won‘t be back until 6 o ’clock.

  Q : Where does Mrs. Jones think her husband is now ?

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