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  相关词汇与表达:more, less , late , early, fast , slow , ahead

  of schedule , delay, postpone , decrease , bring forward, times,

  twice , double , a quarter, a half , the day before yesterday , by

  noon, half an hour


  A ) $1.40 B) $4.30 C) $6.40 D) $8.60

  W : Here is a ten-dollar bill. Give me two tickets for tonight ‘

  s show, please.

  M : Sure. Two tickets and here ‘s a dollar forty cents change.

  Q : How much does one ticket cost?


  A ) 5:10. B ) 5:00. C ) 4:30. D ) 5:15.

  M : I wonder if Sue will be here by five o ‘clock.

  W : Her husband said she left home at half past four. She should

  be here at ten after five

  and a quarter past five at the latest.

  Q : What time did Sue leave home ?(2001.6/7)


  这种类型的题目相对比较简单。首先,四个选择往往是4 种不同职业或者是

  表示两个对话者之间关系的词。如husband and wife, boss and secretary ,

  librarian and student 或customer and repairman等。选择项的特点决定了提



  1 、常见的提问方式是:

  What‘s the man/ woman?

  What does the man/ woman do ?

  What‘s the man ’s /woman‘s job/ profession/ occupation ?

  What‘s the probable relationship between the man and woman ?

  What‘s the probable relationship between the two speakers?



  2 、相关词汇和表达:

  1 、营业员与顾客(shop assistant and customer )

  What can I do for you ? / on sale/ Can I help you? / out of style/

  ready-made/ receipt/ check-out stand/ size/ color/ fit/ look round

  2 、饭店服务员与顾客(waiter/ waitress and customer )

  menu/ seasoning/ order/ treat/ go Dutch/ steak/ ham/ bill/ Dutch Treat/reserve/

  make a reservation

  3 、图书管理员与学生( librarian and student)

  borrow/ renew/ library card/ library catalogue/ loan desk/ due/ overdue/

  fine/ finish reading

  4 、医生与病人( doctor and patient )

  What‘s wrong ?/ What seems to be the symptom?/ What’s the matter?

  / indigestion/ stomache/ be operated on/ give an injection/ chest

  pain/ feel worn out

  5 、教师与学生( teacher and student)

  tuition/ registration/ required course/ compulsory course/ optional

  course/ elective course/ drop out/ quit school/ credits/ attendance/pass


  6 、空姐与乘客(airhostess and passenger)

  take off/ board/ fasten seatbelt/ land/ depart/ departure time /extinguish


  7 、老板与秘书( boss and secretary )

  copy/ make arrangement/ break down/ inform


  A ) Husband and wife. B) Father and daughter

  C ) Doctor and patient. D) Teacher and student.

  W : Have you found anything wrong with my stomach?

  M : Not yet. I ‘m still examining. I’ll let you know the result

  next week.

  Q : What ‘s the probable relationship between the man and the woman?


  A ) A railway porter. B) A taxi driver.

  C ) A bus conductor. D ) A postal clerk.

  W : Excuse me, Sir, I‘m going to send this parcel to London. What

  ’s the postage for it?

  M : Let me see. It ‘s one pound and fifty.

  Q : Who is the woman most probably speaking to ?


  A ) Colleagues. C) Employer and employee.

  B ) Husband and wife. D) Mother and son.

  W : John , what are you doing on your computer? Don‘t you remember

  your promise?

  M : This is not a game. It ‘s only a cross word puzzle that helps

  increase my vocabulary.

  Q : What is the probable relationship between the speakers ?(2003.1)

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