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第 1 页:大学英语四级听力训练方案
第 2 页:第二部分:例题练习演示



  33. A)It'll enable them to enjoy the best medical care.

  B)It'll allow them to receive free medical treatment.

  C)It'll protect them from possible financial crises.

  D)It'll prevent the doctors from overcharging them.

  34. A)They can't immediately get back the money paid for their medical cost.

  B)They have to go through very complicated application procedures.

  C)They can only visit doctors who speak their native language.

  D)They may not be able to receive timely medical treatment.

  35. A)They don't have to pay for the medical services.

  B)They needn't pay the entire medical bill at once.

  C)They must send the receipts to the insurance company promptly.

  D)They have to pay a much higher price to get an insurance policy.

  第一步 看题(1分钟):




  第二步 听力做题(3分钟)

  第三步 查阅

  1、 答案:CAB

  2、 找出答案在原文的对应:

  Obtaining good health insurance is a real necessity while you are studying overseas. It protects you from minor and major medical expenses that can wipe out not only your savings,(33题C选项的高度对应,尤其是“protect sb from 保护某人不受某种侵害”这个短语的重合)but you dreams of an education abroad.

  There are often two different types of health insurance you can consider buying:international travel insurance and student insurance in the country where you will be going. An international travel insurance policy is usually purchased in your home country before you go abroad. It generally covers a wide variety of medical services,and are often gives a list of doctors in the area where you will travel who may even speak your native language. The drawback might be that you may not get your money back immediately.(34题的A项有多个单词和短语在此处重合) In other words,you may have to pay all your medical expenses and then later submit your receipts to the insurance company. On the other hand,getting student health insurance in the country where you will study might allow you to only pay a certain percentage of the medical cost at the time of service and thus,you don't have to have sufficient cash to pay the entire bill at once.(35题的B项在此重合)

  Whatever you decide,obtaining some form of health insurance is something you should consider before you go overseas. You shouldn't wait until you are sick with major medical bills to pay off.

  33.Why does the speaker advise overseas students to buy health insurance?

  34.What is the drawback of students' buying international travel insurance?

  35.What does the speaker say about students' getting health insurance in the country where they will study?



  A 它使得他们能够享受最好的医疗待遇;

  B 它允许他们得到免费治疗;

  C 它保护他们免受财政危机(的侵扰);

  D 它预防医生们过度收费

  原文举例:In other words,you may have to pay all your medical expenses and then later submit your receipts to the insurance company.


  第四步 视听原文



