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  29. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have _D_ opportunity to change his mind.

  A accurate B urgent C excessive D adequate

  accurate adj. 精确的; urgent adj. 紧急的,紧迫的; excessive adj. 过多的,过度的;

  adequate adj. 充足的,足够的。

  30. You will see this product _B_ wherever you go.

  A to be advertised B advertised C advertise D advertising

  31. The early pioneers had to _C_ many hardships to settle on the new land.

  A go along with B go back on C go through D go into

  go through 经历

  32. The suggestion that the major _B_ the prizes was accepted by everyone.

  A would present B present C presents D ought to present

  suggestion, suggest 所引导的句子都用虚拟语气。 should + (动词原形)

  34. Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested _B_ at the next town.

  A to stop B stopping C stop D having stopped

  suggest + doing也可以

  33. Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers, _A_ overall consumption is significantly higher than that of women.

  A whose B which C that D what

  whose指代的就是他前面的male drinkers.

  35. I didn't know the word. I had to _C_ a dictionary.

  A look out B make out C refer to D go over

  look up 查阅; look up a word in a dictionary 在字典中查单词;

  reference n. 参考书目; reference room 资料室;

  36. The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _D_ his arguments in favour of the new theory. [sufficient 充足的,足够的;grounds 论据;arguments 论点]

  A to be based on B to base on C which to base on D on which to base

  base vt. 以…作基础,基于… which引导从句时,如果从句是介词结尾则介词应在which之前。

  on which (he is) to base

  37. There are signs _A_ restaurants are becoming more popular with families.

  A that B which C in which D whose

  sign n. 迹象; fact n. 事实; evidence n. 证据;后面常加同位语从句来说明具体内容。


  38. I think I was at school, _A_ I was staying with a friend during the vacation when I heard the news. [or else 否则,要不然]

  A or else B and then C or so D even so

  39. It is said that the math teacher seems _A_ towards bright students.

  A partial B beneficial C preferable D liable

  partial adj. 偏袒的,偏爱的(经常与to或towards搭配)

  40. In order to show his boss what a careful worker he was, he took _C_ trouble over the figures. [figures 数目,数据;extra 额外的,附加的]

  A extensive B spare C extra D supreme

  41. - "May I speak to your manager Mr. Williams at five o'clock tonight?"

  - "I'm sorry. Mr. Williams _A_ to a conference long before then."

  A will have gone B had gone C would have gone D has gone

  当要表达将来的行为在将来的某时间之前完成用将来完成时,将来完成时结构:will have + p.p.







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