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  55. The children went there to watch the iron tower _D_.

  A to erect B be erected C erecting D being erected

  watch 看电视用,看比赛用; see 看电影用;

  感官动词watch, see, hear; 感官动词 + 名词(代词)+ do

  be erected 强调的是动作的结果; being erected 强调的是动作的过程。

  56. The engine _D_ smoke and steam.

  A gives up B gives in C gives away D gives off

  give up 放弃; give in 屈服,让步; give off 释放,放出(烟和气体);

  give away 泄露,走漏风声;婚礼中新郎的父亲把新娘的手交给新郎的过程;赠送礼品。

  57. The manager promised to keep me _C_ of how our business was going on.

  A to be informed B on informing C informed D informing

  keep sb. + 分词; inform v. 通知,告知; inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某件事情

  keep me informed 使我被告知。

  60. The goals _B_ he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.

  A after which B for which C with which D at which

  fight with sb. (注意要看整个句子); fight with + 工具 用该工具来打仗。 fight for 为…而战。

  I fight with him. 我和他打起来了。 I fight with him against her. 我和他并肩对付她。

  61. I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and _B_ in a quiet neighborhood.

  A all in all B above all C after all D over all

  all in all 总而言之;above all 首先,尤其是;after all 毕竟,终究;overall 全面的,总体的

  in a word 总之,in short 简而言之,in conclusion 最后,总之,to sum up总之,总而言之。

  62. _B_ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.

  A For now B Now that C Ever since D By now

  now that 既然,由于(相当于since); ever since 自从…以来。


  now that 既然,由于; in that 因为; except that 除…之外。

  except后面加名词或代词;except that后面加句子。

  63. What you have done is _D_ the doctor’s orders.

  A attached to B responsible to C resistant to D contrary to

  be attached to 连接,附属; This school is attached to Beida. 这所学校附属于北大。

  responsible to 对…负有责任; resistant adj. 反抗的,抵抗的; water resistant 防水的。

  be contrary to 与..相反(相违背)。

  64. John regretted _A_ to the meeting last week.

  A not going B not to go C not having been going D not to be going

  regret doing 后悔做过某事; regret to do sth. 遗憾的做某事(应用语境非常有限)。

  63. We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are _B_.

  A out of work B out of stock C out of reach D out of practice

  out of work 失业; out of reach 够不着 within reach 够得着; out of practice 缺乏练习。

  65. They _C_ in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.

  A carried out B carried off C carried on D carried forward

  in spite of 尽管; carry on 坚持,继续。

  66. Mrs. Brown is supposed _A_ for Italy last week.

  A to have left B to be leaving C to leave D to have been left

  be supposed to do sth. 应该(理应)做某事。

  37. He’s watching TV? He’s _D_ to be cleaning his room.

  A known B considered C regarded D supposed

  regard as 把…认作







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