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来源:文都 2008-7-9 10:55:40 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  (2) 误:I am necessary to find a part-time job during the vacation.

  (3) 误:In the past, many men objected their wives to go out to work.

  (4) 误: According to my opinion, applying for a loan is the best way to solve the problem of tuition and fees for college.

  (5) 误:I wish to learn more knowledge at college.

  (6) 误:When I first came here, I couldn’t accustom the weather.

  (7) 误:Some manufacturers only know making money.

  (8) 误:I usually go to the department store to buy something at weekends.

  (9) 误:Parents should limit their children to watch TV.

  (10) 误:If they are unfortunate to meet with troubles, they will be able to get some money to deal with troubles.

  (11) 误:The good commodities can not be sold well, because the fake commodities are much cheaper.

  (12) 误:With an outline, you can write a composition closely.

  (13) 误:After he graduated from a university, he took part in work

  3) 搭配不当

  (1) 误:Nowadays, more and more students are able to enter into a college.

  (2) 误:The government should make some measures against fake commodities.

  (3) 误:I have difficulty to pay for my college education.

  (4) 误:There is some possibility for you to succeed as long as you work hard.

  (5) 误:I think the second choice is preferable than the first.

  (6) 误:After practising a lot in listening and speaking, I am now capable to express myself in English.

  (7) 误:The production of fake commodities interfered in our industrial development.

  (8) 误:Because both my parents have been laid off, it is difficult for them to pay my college education.

  (9) 误:If all the people had their own cars, you can imagine how crowded the traffic would become.

  (10) 误:I deeply believe in the proverb “no pains, no gains”.

  4) 词性误用

  (1) 误:I get up early to do exercises in order to strong my body.

  (2) 误:Some regard fail as a good thing. They first find out the reason why they have failed and then do their best to overcome the obstacles.

  (3) 误:Some people think money can bring them comfort, secure, and so on.

  (4) 误:My family is not rich, so I can not dependent on my parents.

  (5) 误: Many intellectuals did not come back for a various of reasons.

  (6) 误:Some people have many “lucky numbers”, but they don’t luck at all.

  (7) 误:You can sale some little goods to gain some tuition and fees.

  (8) 误:This social phenomenon shows that more and more people aware the importance of taking out insurance.

  5) 拼写错误

  (1) 误:The government should offer special previleges to those who come back from foreign countries.

  (2) 误:College life is full of varity.

  (3) 误:This social phenominon reflects that more and more Chinese people have come to realize the importance of taking out insurance.

  (4) 误:Different people have different opiums on the topic of friendship.

  (5) 误:However, adequate money does not garantee children good education


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