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来源:文都 2008-7-9 10:55:40 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场


  We totally agree with what you have just said.


  Do you still remember the boy who cried wolf for several times so no one would trust him?

  12) 被动句

  Some measures should be taken to deal with the problem.

  He is said to have accomplished a lot of great deeds.

  Many people believe that…(It is believed that…)

  The government and the public should pay enough attention to…(Enough attention should be paid to…from both the government and the public.)


  1.The above-mentioned issue results from the following factors./ Many factors are responsible for the problem. To begin with, ________. What’s more, _________. Last but not the least, ____________.

  2. There is no doubt that____________.…

  No one can deny that____________.…

  It goes without saying that____________.…

  3. When it comes to the issue , different people have different opinions.

  4. Just as any coin has two sides. I believe there is some truth to both. If I am allowed to make a decision, I prefer _____ to _______ because _______.

  5. sth. is an indispensable part of sth.

  6. People can not imagine the world without_______./ People can not imagine what the world would be like without_______.

  7. In my view, we have to think carefully before we make the decision to _______. Question1 ? Question2 ? These questions need to be answered before we make the final decision.

  8. in all walks of life

  9. As an old saying goes,

  10. Instead of doing sth, we should .…rather than

  11. It is true that…, but… eg. It is true that we can’t do anything without money, but money is not everything.

  12. attach great importance to sth.

  13. … is a hot issue

  14. satisfy/meet one’s needs and desires

  15. sth. benefit sb.= sth. do good to sb.

  sb. benefit from sth.

  sb. receive benefit from/by sth.

  sth/it. is beneficial to sth./sb.

  16. try every means to do sth./strive to do sth.

  17. sb. do sth., while sb. others do sth. else

  18. it is supposed to do sth.



  1) 有:The chief reason for the phenomenon has three points. / Traffic is a serious problem, one of the reasons is that Beijing has over ten million people. / There are many students prepare for the entrance exams for graduate schools./ However, everything has its black side./ There are many things must be done to deal with energy crisis.——改正

  2) 表明:As is demonstrated/ illustrated/ shown/ described/ depicted/ betrayed…in the cartoons, As can be clearly seen from the cartoon, many young children try every means to shirk their responsibility to look after their old parents, which is an evil cancer in our society.

  3) 批评:Through this picture, the drawer condemns/ denounces/ criticizes/reproaches those who maximize their profit at the cost of the environment.

  4) 赞扬:The drawer of the picture thinks highly of/ turns up the thumbs to the cultural exchange between China and the rest of the world.


2008年6月21日英语四六级考试答案交流 名师点评




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