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来源:考试吧 2015-12-29 14:01:39 要考试,上考试吧! 英语四六级万题库
第 1 页:模拟试题
第 4 页:参考答案

  Part III Vocabulary (20 minutes)

  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  41. It's the in this country to go out and pick flower on the first day of spring.

  A) case B) custom C) habit D) precedent

  42. He didn't take the flat because he couldn't afford the .

  A) hire B) fare C) rent D) salary

  43. I've made an for you to see the dentist at 5 o'clock tomorrow.

  A) appointment B) interview

  C) opportunity D) assignation

  44. The house was poorly built; for , the roof leaked.

  A) short B) certain

  C) one thing D) sure

  45. the weather is concerned, I do not think it matters.

  A) So long as B) So far as

  C) As long as D) So far

  46. The continuous rain set the harvesting of wheat by two weeks.

  A) off B) back C) down D) about

  47. The helicopter hovered the trees.

  A) in B) over C) down D) up

  48.The mother made a shirt for the boy out of the of the cloth.

  A) odd and end B) odd and ends

  C) odds and end D) odds and ends

  49. Let's get this old barn. It's of no use to us.

  A) over B) ready

  C) rid of D) used to

  50. George's ability to learn from observations and experience greatly to his success in public life.

  A) owed B) contributed C) attached D) related

  51. I asked him where my sister was, and he the store across the street.

  A) nodded B) indicated C) figured D) guessed

  52. They are staying with us the time being until they find a place of their own.

  A) during B) for C) since D) in

  53. 100 competitors had the race.

  A) put their names for B) entered for

  C) put themselves for D) taken part

  54. He me by two games to one.

  A) beat B) conquered C) gained D) won

  55. They have put the bird in a cage to it from flying away.

  A) avoid B) prevent C) forbid D) control

  56. In recent years, new buildings have up like mushrooms in the city.

  A) jumped B) sprung C) leapt D) put

  57. I from among the crowd an old friend of mine whom I hadn't seen for ten years.

  A) figured out B) picked out

  C) realized D) picked over

  58. I thought he'd never anything, but it's turned out that I was wrong.

  A) arrive B) amount to C) reach for D) add to

  59. He managed to pay off his debts.

  A) anyhow or other B) anyhow or another

  C) somehow or other D) somehow or another

  60. You'd better not Mr. Ganz. He may get angry.

  A) play a joke on B) play out

  C) play into the hands of D) play at

  61. We existed on nothing but the necessities.

  A) empty B) bare C) hollow D) undressed

  62. The seasons change, independent anyone's wishes.

  A) on B) to C) with D) of

  63. The mail was for two days because of the snowstorm.

  A) misled B) lost C) delayed D) damaged

  64. He has been absent class for quite some time.

  A) in B) for C) with D) from

  65. I owe a great deal my parents and teachers.

  A) to B) for C) toward D) of

  66. We must manage to do our work better with people.

  A) less money and few

  B) less money and fewer

  C) little money and less

  D) few money and less

  67. Mr. Black is to our English evening.

  A) more pleased than to come

  B) more pleased to come than

  C) more than pleased to come

  D) more pleasing than to come

  68. You that car with the brakes out of order. You might have had a serious accident.

  A) ought to drive B) oughtn't do drive

  C) ought to have driven D) oughtn't to have driven

  69. If it for their support, we would be in a very difficult position.

  A) is not B) weren't C) was not D) be not

  70. If only we as we were told! This would never have happened.

  A) would do B) had done C) do D) did

  Part IV Cloze (15 minutes)

  Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

  Everyone ___71___ of the President of the US ___72___ the most powerful man in ___73___. But when the representatives of the 13 former British colonies ___74___ to draw up the constitution of the new country ___75___ 1788, ___76___ of them were not sure whether they ___77___ to have a President at all. There were even ___78___ who ___79___ a king, ___80___ their successful war against the British king, George III. The decision was in doubt ___81___ the last moment. One group wanted ___82___ for life, while ___83___ suggested that ___84___ not be a President, because a Committee would govern the country better; a third group ___85___ a President ___86___ term of office would last seven years but who could not stand for reelection, because they were afraid he would spend his time ___87___ votes at the next election. In the end they chose George Washington as President for four years and let him ___88___ for reelection because they trusted him. But they were ___89___ to make rules in case a future President ___90___ badly and these rules were used to get rid of President Nixon two hundreds years later.

  71. A) use to think B) think C) thinks D) uses to think

  72. A) to be B) being C) like D) as

  73. A) western world B) the western world C) accident D) the accident

  74. A) found B) met C) encountered D) put together

  75. A) at B) by C) on D) in

  76. A) a number B) a great deal C) a large amount D) the most

  77. A) should B) would C) needed D) must

  78. A) few B) a few C) little D) a little

  79. A) had preferred B) would have preferred C) should have preferred D) were preferring

  80. A) although B) however C) nevertheless D) in spite of

  81. A) until B) as far as C) so far as D) by

  82. A) that the President was elected

  B) that the President would be elected

  C) to elect the President

  D) to be elected the President

  83. A) another B) other C) the other D) some other

  84. A) it should B) it would C) there should D) there would

  85. A) would have liked B) would rather C) would like D) would be liking

  86. A) that's B) whose C) which D) of which

  87. A) looking for B) to look for C) to look at D) looking at

  88. A) stand B) to stand C) be standing D) that he stood

  89. A) so careful B) too careful C) careful enough D) enough careful

  90. A) would carry B) carried C) would behave D) behaved

  Part V Writing (30 minutes)

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic "The Expenses of an Average Worker". You should study the following table carefully and base your composition on the outlines given below. You should write at least 100 words.

  1. The changes in the worker's expenses from 1990 to 2000.

  2. The possible reasons for the changes.

  3. My prediction.

  Year Food (%) Clothing (%) Daily articles (%) Entertainment (%) Education (%) Total income (yuan)

  1990 50 8 20 2 10 5000

  2000 20 15 10 12 30 12000

  The Expenses of an Average Worker


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