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Writing 5

My Attitude toward Peer Pressure

1.       Peer pressure is common.

2.       My own practice.

3.       My suggestion.

        Peer pressure refers to the pressure that comes from our colleagues or classmates. I always try to take it actively, that is to say, I try my best to change the pressure into a kind of impetus.

        As a college student, I have no way to avoid peer pressure. It seems that every other student is working harder and for a longer period. Sometimes I feel they are all more competent than me. What shall I do? My decision is to make best use of this pressure. So under the pressure, I also work harder and longer, and because of my hard work, I have no time to think about the pressure. I’m no longer so troubled by it. Little by little, I make great progress. A sense of confidence is born in me.

        So now I’d like to advise all those who are burdened with peer pressure to stop worrying and try to make it your motivating force to achieve your goal. Then we can enjoy the benefits press pressure brings us.


Writing 6

How Can Laid-off Workers Find New Jobs?

1.  很多下岗工人很难找到新的工作。

2.  如何帮助他们。

Model Composition

The market economy has brought China both benefits and headaches, one of which is the problem of finding new jobs for laid-off workers. There is no denying that serious social problems will arise unless this problem is properly solved. As a result, it is essential to explore ways to get laid-off workers back to work.

Serious as the problem seems, we can find some solutions to it. To begin with, priority should be given to the expansion of tertiary industry(第三产业) because tertiary industry can create a great number of positions with few restrictions on age, education, skill, etc. Also, little capital is needed to set up enterprises in this field. In addition, the laid-off workers have to update their skills to meet the demands of the society, just as the old saying goes, “God helps those who help themselves.Last but not least, they should stop relying on the state and throw away any worries about their “face” while doing “low” jobs such as washing dishes at restaurants or sending newspapers to households. Once the habit of dependency is cracked, then the country can make other policy changes aimed at improving their living standards.


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