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Writing 1

Education: Examination–Oriented or Quality–Oriented

     1) Present situation

       2) An alternative: Quality–Oriented

       3) My comment

        () From primary school to college, students, teachers, parents all are struggling for high scores. (1) It goes without saying that the current education is aimed at developing the students’ ability to perform well on test. (2)However, their real abilities are neglected.

        () Nowadays this examination–oriented education is strongly challenged by quality–oriented education. (1) On the one hand, the alternative will focus on the students’ ability and quality as a whole. As a result, the students can fully develop their potential. (2) On the other hand, the exam results will no longer play a key role in evaluating the academic achievements a student gains in school. Meanwhile, teachers do not have to only teach students the skills to do examinations. () There is no denying that all the parties concerned will benefit from the quality-oriented education.

        () Personally, I firmly believe in the magic force of the new education policy, () and look forward to enjoying the great benefits the program will bring out. ()In this way, the quality of our education will be greatly improved.


Writing 2

Professional Sportsmen

1. 近年来,职业体育运动越来越流行。

2. 有些人认为职业运动员是以挣钱为目的。

3. 我的不同观点。

        In recent years, professional sports have been very popular everywhere in the world. In Europe, the most popular one is soccer, and in the United States, football, basketball and baseball are the most attractive ones. Thus, there have developed a group of athletes known as professional sportsmen.

        However, some people argue that professional sportsmen only aim at making money, for they demand very high salaries in their performance. Some professional sportsmen are paid salaries that run into millions of dollars. Some even make additional money by appearing in advertisements or promoting merchandise bearing their names. They seem to be more interested in making money than playing the game.

        As far as I am concerned, this practice is harmful to the sportsmen and to the society as well. For one thing, they have to spend much time on the social activities other than training; therefore their career will be ruined. For another, the people want to see them performing well in sports instead of their faces in advertisements.

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