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来源:考试吧(Exam8.com) 2010-1-20 9:46:44 要考试,上考试吧! 万题库


  One day a boy and his little sister were sitting by a lake near their house when a bear appeared. There was ____(51)place for them to get away. The children had to step back to the ____(52) .They kept backing and the bear kept____(53) at them.

  As the two children were already wearing _____(54), the boy told his _____(55) to jump into the lake. But the bear _____(56) them into the lake and caught the girl by the life-jacket. The boy turned back and tried to pull his sister away from the bear.

  But that didn’t work. Then the boy tried growling ____(57) at the bear. ____(58)by this, the bear let the girl go. The children scrambled ashore (爬上岸) and ran up to the house with the bear ____(59) them.

  The children tried to get ____(60)the house through the front door but it was ____(61). With the bear right behind them, they ran ____(62) the house. Each time it got too ____(63), the boy stopped and growled, and each time the bear stopped coming at them, allowing the children to ____(64). Finally they succeeded in entering by the back door. They _____(65)the police station. Two policemen came and drove the bear away.

  ( ) 51.A.no B. any C. some D. enough

  ( ) 52.A.house B. lake C. shore D. bear

  ( ) 53.A.climbing B. coming C. backing D. smiling

  ( ) 54.A.jackets B. hats C. life-jackets D. shoes

  ( ) 55.A.friend B. bear C. mother D. sister

  ( ) 56.A.took B. brought C. kicked D. followed

  ( ) 57.A.sadly B. happily C. loudly D. kindly

  ( ) 58.A.Encouraged B. Surprised C. Disappointed D. Discouraged

  ( ) 59.A.before B. beside C. over D. after

  ( ) 60.A.into B. out of C. onto D. off

  ( ) 61.A.open B. moved C. locked D. small

  ( ) 62.A.to B. into C. around D. out of

  ( ) 63.A.far B. close C. afraid D. happy

  ( ) 64.A.escape B. play C. jump D. smile

  ( ) 65.A.phoned B. shouted at C. went to D. told

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