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1. A) The lecture for next Monday is cancelled.
B) The lecture wasn't as successful as expected.
C) The woman doesn't want to attend the lecture.
D) The woman may attend next Monday's lecture.
2. A) The woman has a very tight budget.
B) He does not think the fur coat is worth buying.
C) He's willing to lend the woman money for the fur coat.
D) The woman is not careful enough in planning her spending.
3. A) Clean the kitchen.
B) Ask someone to fix the sink.
C) Find a bigger apartment for the lady.
D) Check the work done by the maintenance man.
4. A) The lens. C) The flash.
B) The price. D) The leather case.
5. A) She needs another haircut soon.
B) She thinks it worthwhile to try Santerbale's
C) She knows a less expensive place for a haircut.
D) She would like to make an appointment for the man.
6. A) The woman doesn't want Io cook a meal.
B) The woman wants to have a picnic.
C) The woman has a poor memory.
D) The woman likes Mexican food.
7. A) Everyone enjoyed himself at John's panics.
B) The woman didn't enjoy John's parties at all.
C) It will be the first time for the man to attend John's party.
D) The woman is glad to be invited to John's house-warming party.
8. A) She lacks confidence in herself.
B) She is not interested in computer programming.
C) She has never signed up for any competition before.
D) She is sure to win the programming contest.
9. A) The man has an enormous amount of work to do.
B) The man has made plans for his vacation.
C) The man'll take work with him on his vacation.
D) Work stacked up during the man's last vacation.
10. A) She likes the job of feeding fish.
B) She finds her new job interesting.
C) She feels unfit for her new job.
D) She's not in good health.
Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Passage One
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.
11. A) Rally support for their movement.
B) Liberate women from tedious housework.
C) Claim their rights to equal job opportunities.
D) Express their anger against sex discrimination.
12. A) It will bring a lot of trouble to the local people.
B) It is a popular form of art.
C) It will spoil the natural beauty of their surroundings.
D) It is popular among rock stars.
13. A) To show that mindless graffiti can provoke violence.
B) To show that Londoners have a special liking for graffiti.
C) To show that graffiti, in some cases, can constitute a crime.
D) To show that graffiti can make the environment more colorful.
Passage Two
Questions 14 to 16 are bawd on the passage you have just heard.
14. A) The Asian elephant is easier to tame.
B) The Asian elephant's skin is more valuable.
C) The Asian elephant is less popular with tourists.
D) The Asian elephant produces ivory of a better quality.
15. A) From the captured or tamed elephants.
B) From the British wildlife protection group.
C) From elephant hunters in Thailand and Burma.
D) From tourists visiting the Thai-Burmese border.
16. A) Their taming for circuses and zoos.
B) The destruction of their natural homes.
C) Man's lack of knowledge about their behavior.
D) The greater vulnerability to extinction than other species.
Passage Three
Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
17. A) They had lost their jobs as a result of the Industrial Revolution.
B) They had been suffering from political and religious oppression.
C) They wanted to flee from the widespread famine in Northern Europe.
D) They wanted to make a fortune there by starting their own businesses.
18. A) They might lose control of their members because of the increase in immigration.
B) Their members might find it difficult to get along with the newcomers.
C) The working condition of their members might deteriorate.
D) Their members might lose their jobs to the newcomers.
19. A) To impose restrictions on further immigration.
B) To improve the working conditions of immigrants.
C) To set a minimum wage level for new immigrants.
D) To put requirements on languages for newcomers.
20. A) They were looked down upon by European immigrants.
B) They had a hard time seeking equal job opportunities.
C) They worked very hard to earn a decent living.
D) They strongly opposed continued immigration.

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