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来源:新东方 2009-10-14 14:02:20 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  欢迎进入:四六级网络课程免费试听  更多信息请访问:考试吧四六级论坛

  1. With the opening and reform policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. They are eager to see this old mysterious land with a splendid culture of more than 5,000years.


  2. Tourism brings China a lot of benefits. First, it enables the Chinese people to know more about the outside world and promotes friendship and understanding. Second, it is financially beneficial to China, which needs more foreign currencies for its modernization program.


  3 Tourism, however, gives rise to a number of problems. For instance, it becomes a burden to inefficient transportation system.


  4. Besides, the living standard of the average Chinese is still not high enough to be able to afford the many different sorts of expensed during long distance travels.


  5. As for me, with the development of our national economy, all these problems will certainly be solved step by step.


  6. A much better and brighter future awaits us.


  7. When an opportunity comes, it brings a promise but never realizes it on its own.


  8. If you want to achieve something or intend to fulfill one of your ambitions, you must work hard, make efforts and get prepared. Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to visit you.


  9. The difference between a man who succeeds and one who does not lies only in the way each treats opportunities. The successful person always makes adequate preparations to meet opportunities as they duly arrive. The unsuccessful person, on the other hand, works little and just waits to see pass by.


  10. In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society, but only those who are prepared adequately and qualified highly can make use of them to achieve purpose.

  我的观点是:在我们的社会里,人人都有许多机遇,但是只有那些做好充分准备并且高度称职的人才能利用机遇达到目的。。 (超循环背诵大表)

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